Someone needs coffee and it isn't Rivington

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he knew what he was talking about when he said that. Check your smartassness, I wasn’t dreaming up anything.

I don’t care. I was merely responding to your claim about the essence of fencing being a sword in the hand and your logic that without a sword JKD had nothing to do with fencing. That’s it. I wasn’t addressing anything to do with Omega’s kung fu, what the heart of his MA is vs. the heart of JKD is. None of that. Got it? I don’t want any part of your discussion on JKD or Omega-fu in general. All I was saying was that it’s not invalid to say that Jun Fan is 25% fencing (notwithstanding whatever he said about 25% chun etc.) because how large a role the footwork and getting the power from the lead leg plays in both arts. If you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about then move on.

Yeah, you were. The evidence, as it turned out, is clear: vinh didn’t know what he was talking about, re: Omega-fu. Your assumption that he knew what he was talking about was the daydream you were experiencing.

I was merely responding to your claim about the essence of fencing being a sword in the hand and your logic that without a sword JKD had nothing to do with fencing.

What a fanciful misreading of what I typed. I never said that JKD has nothing to do with fencing, and it is not an implication of what I said.

I wasn’t addressing anything to do with Omega’s kung fu, what the heart of his MA is vs. the heart of JKD is. None of that. Got it?

Well gee, that is what vinh and I were discussing. It was, you know, the actual conversation in which you intervened. So yeah, you see, you were addressing all that, more or less by definition.

If you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about then move on.

I get what you’re saying: you love the sound of your fingers striking the keys so much that you don’t bother actually reading carefully for comprehension before you type, and then you get pissy when someone else has to carefully explain to you, as if you were a child, what the grown-ups were actually discussing.

I thought I told you to stop the smartassness.

What a fanciful misreading of what I typed. I never said that you said that JKD has nothing to do with fencing, and it is not an implication of what I said.

Don’t tell me what I was addressing and what I wasn’t. It’s you who pathologically misunderstands what I’ve been saying.

I can’t believe how idiotic you are. I’ve come to the conclusion that you have no idea what it was I was addressing. You only think you do. Go back and read my posts then jump off a bridge.

Hmm, now where did I put those two drops of monkey-piss I have to give about your demands…ah darn, can’t find 'em.

What a fanciful misreading of what I typed. I never said that you said that JKD has nothing to do with fencing, and it is not an implication of what I said.

Yes it is. You said: I was merely responding to your claim about the essence of fencing being a sword in the hand and your logic that without a sword JKD had nothing to do with fencing.

Whose “logic” did you say it was? Mine. As it wasn’t a specific claim, by “logic” you mean it was something logically implied in my claims. There’s just not another way for a non-schizophrenic to read what you said.

Seriously ace, careful where you point the language if you don’t know how it works.

Don’t tell me what I was addressing and what I wasn’t.

Nah, I think I’ll keep telling you exactly that, and point and laugh when you try to play li’l toughy.

That’s fine so long as you’re on the East Coast, eh? Call me old fashioned, but I have a problem with people who talk like that to me. Let me know when you come to the North West and I’ll have a place and a camera where we can throw down. Likewise, if I make it out to the North East I’ll even find the fucking place for us to spar. You’ll see why I demand you be respectful. AND YOU BETTER FUCKING TALK LIKE THAT WHEN I SEE YOU.

Either you’re intentionally misreading what I said or you truly don’t have a clue what I was talking about.

If you keep acting this way you will continue to have this problem.

Let me know when you come to the North West and I’ll have a place and a camera where we can throw down. Likewise, if I make it out to the North East I’ll even find the fucking place for us to spar. You’ll see why I demand you be respectful. AND YOU BETTER FUCKING TALK LIKE THAT WHEN I SEE YOU.

No amount of beatdown ability will repair it. See, if this was about, say, advice on how to actually fight, your fists would matter. For this? Doesn’t fuckin’ matter.

Because you’re Internet Dipwad #9234091263 who, when he gets caught spouting off, gets all angry and starts making vague threats and typing in THE ALL CAPS OF RAAAAGE? (Ooh, scawy.)

Maybe you’re the most awesome martial artist in the world. Wouldn’t change your day of public masturbation here, sport.

I’m not particularly knowledgeable on fencing, but I would add to that the use of the lead leg for power.

One would think that the “heart” of “fencing” would be, you know, using a motherfucking sword.

Oh and by the way Rivington, just as a general response to everything you’ve said: That above sentence of yours was the one and only part of what you said that I was originally responding to. Does everything I said make sense now? If it doesn’t you’ll have to be committed to either an asylum or the sub species of Neanderthal. I choose both.

Ah, so you acknowledge that you WERE talking about vinh’s definition of “heart” and his use of it, just as vinh and I were…I mean, you were until you weren’t because you couldn’t seem to locate the heart of anything from your head’s position up your own ass.

No, actually I don’t. That sounds like something Dale Carnegie would say. Nice boy, nice boy.

It’s not about repairing it. You just don’t understand.

Yes I’m sure the formidable Rivington can barely keep up with the hordes of contenders who want to unseat him. What, pray tell is your most venerable ability? It can’t be your fighting ability, because you don’t have any faith in it, so is it your circular logic? Or is it your ability to develop seizures at your desk which somehow result in posts on that don’t relate to the thread they’re in… Or could it be your ability to backpedal and make it look like the other guy isn’t making sense, technique #243 in How To Argue & Win Every Time? No matter, in any case you remind me of the WoW player from South Park.

I see why you’re confused. You think I was dealing with heart in general. In fact, in my first post I differentiated between a discussion on heart/essence by taking a more nuanced position. ie. in subsequent posts I used words like “A part of” “AN element of”. I gave you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you weren’t stupid enough to miss that.

That quote is from my first post. I’m not talking about heart there. I left that to you guys. I’m talking about an element of fencing influencing Jun Fan. I was not suggesting that the heart or essence of Jun Fan was specifically influenced by fencing. Again, I was not talking about heart. I left that open intentionally, myself not being a practitioner of JKD, because it could be referring to training methods, footwork in only a specific situation, etc. The fact is, I DON’T KNOW for what purpose Bruce Lee adopted the footwork of fencing, I only know that he DID. You need to learn :englishmo

Are we seeing the JKD mating ritual here?

Nah. If I had to guess, Rooster has Asperger’s Syndrome and just doesn’t GET why he keeps having problems when all he wants to do is explain something that has very little to do with the topic at hand. We were talking about “heart”, he wasn’t, and then he got mad when he was told that the conversation about heart/fighting philosophy and not about the one little bit of trivia he has buzzing around in his head.

And on March 4, 2009, he is going to get a faceload of semen for his troubles. So maybe it is a mating ritual after all!