I’d go gaga over this chica making eye contact. Rest of her ain’t bad, either.
SHit gotta resize the other pics.
I still think Alexis Bledel has the most amazing eyes:
You cocktease you.
Is she a Fremen?
No, that’s a Sin City still.
There’s something inhuman about those eyes - but in a good way.
I always though had creepy but attractive eyes at the same time:
But even in color she has fremen eyes:
Not even the two different adaptations have done them properly yet, but they’d look more like:
Or, more accurately, an all blue version of these:
So far, there’s nothing NSFW about this thread.
Here are some eyes that have caught my attention in recent years, sadly none of them in person.
That one looks like she just stepped off the short bus.
Tenshi has been watching teen shows again…
Hey Dai, the second girl on your list called - it was kind of hard to understand what with the braces, but I think she said she wanted her Barney DVDs back.
Rachel Leigh Cook called you?
Er. No.
Shut up.
Anyway, you posted the picture of her looking like a 7th-grader.
Try this one…
The fuck? The one you posted makes her look like a 7th grader!
Plus she’s 3 years older than me.
Fuck off.
Regardless, nice eyes… I think we agree on that.
These eyes would be nice to look into:
You were born in the eighties.