Some weird new fetish?

The only prank I can remember offhand of is locking my high school english class in a hallway. Went through the door first and released it from the magnetic locks, everyone behind held the door for each other, last one through let it shut. Meantime I had run ahead and released the doors at the other end. My teacher was pretty pissed.

And the usual switch all of the dormmates stuff to your side of the room and vice versa, buckets of water hooked to door stuff in college.

Hahahaha. Good one.

Sit down today, write out a prank to pull on your wife. The follow it through. Best therapy in the world.

After almost 20 years and four kids later, pranks break up the monotony.

P.S. My kids like your avatar. They like Fearless Ukemi’s the best (the smiling frog)

Wanna hear the best prank we (my brothers and I) ever pulled?

My mom (who is scared of everything) watched the movie Idle Hands with me and my brothers. One scene in the movie the mother and father are lying in bed and the mother says … “Wheres Johnny been? I havent seen him all day” or something like that. Then they look up on the ceiling above their bed and written in blood is the words

“I’m under the bed.”

He then comes out and kills them.

My mom and dad had built a new house about 8 years ago. We were moving them in and I had some glow in the dark paint left over from Halloween. My brothers and I painted

“I’m under the bed” in the GITD paint. (Keep in mind that we had watched the movie about two weeks earlier).

That night when my mom and dad went to bed, they turned off the lights, and the phrase glowed.

My mom didnt sleep in their bedroom for weeks. My dad was pissed…he called us all at about 10:00pm and chewed us out.


I have a tear in my eye just thinking about it.

Man that is twisted. Not quite as bad as the parents who woke up their kids with a chainsaw in the middle of the night after they watched ‘Chainsaw Massacre’

I went too light on the pranking of the parents. I switched soup labels once and everyone had to eat tomato instead of chicken noodle. Going to Hades for that one I am sure.

idle hands is a sweet movie. Alba is a smoking hottie

Chainsaw!!! Awesome.

Soup labels was a great prank. LOL

Im going to pick up the goat today. Tee Hee, is she going to be pissed.

Film or audio record her reaction for posterity / bullshidudes.

Now you have got my mind working on pranks I can play on the missus. So far all I can think of is geeky stuff like adding her myspace profile to lesbian biker groups.

Tell her you are doing DIY or similar. Then make a big crashing sound and lie on the floor like you just had a horrific accident. When/if she runs over to help you sit up quickly and scare the crap out of her.

That is cruel! I had a friend who was cleaning the gutters on a ladder (2 story house) as his mom left to go shopping, of course she told him to be careful when she drove off.

She comes back and the ladder has crashed to the ground and his horribly contorted body is beneath it… all faked of course.

She was very pissed.

This reminds me of something one of my high school buddies used to do. He understood that the girls he dated would eventually riffle through his stuff so he planted a box with fuzzy handcuffs, chocolate body paint, a satanic bible, and a clown porn video (I believe it was called clown fuckers II) under his bed. So they’d find it and be like wtf. All he’d say was," see what happens when you’re nosy you find things out about people you shouldn’t."

That’s going about it all wrong. In the box you put some tissues, romance novels, a copy of ‘Men are from mars, women are from venus,’ ‘pretty woman’ ‘the notebook’ and ‘the english patient’ on DVD, and random lovey dovey poetry written freehand on scented parchment.


I dont think the idea was to make coming out of the closet easier. Good job on making it specific to your needs though.

I was going for sensitive. Just because you let her strap one on every once and a while doesn’t make you gay.

What about post op?


MOM34 is EXTREMELY pissed that I did this goat thing. She has even accused Doctor X of having a hand in this. (yes I still talk to him)

As for the strap on…I wouldnt mind a little wiggly finger action in the old rectum every now and then.


I had a post written then I realized not only was my post TMI but so was the one above it . So I changed my mind here is an edited version .

I went to the ER last week ( pissed a little too red for my liking at the house earlier that evening ) . The visit took almost no time at all , for once . They were staffed well , everyone was friendly and helpful , even tho they had a bunch of trainees/students in every single section . Triage was actually kinda of crowded . Our nurse for this trip was very cool . I asked the Mrs if we could could keep her during a certain exam . She happend to be a trainee too . The ER Doc watching her work was laughing so hard he "stepped out to collect himself " .

I wasn’t kidding when I asked either … I miss that nurse . Even if everyone in the building were acting like the were on strong opiates , I swear it was nothing but mellow talk , soft laughter , and smiles that night . It really crept me out at first . I tried to walk out but reason won after a cig break .

Wait, I see something about Doctor X’s hand, a strap-on, your wife, and a goat. Sounds like a party!

You should write romance novels. Write one about a colonoscopy.

okay, why?

I thought someone said he fisted himself to death?

Prolly 'cause he’s a crafty mofo.

Send him my regards, Oldman34. I tried (unsuccesfully) to conjure him back to life at Sociocide recently – hey, it worked when DAYoung invoked Cracky after a long absence. Of course, DAYoung is a witch and must be burned at the stake . . . or does tenure shield you from that too?

I will.

DAyoung is indeed a witch. I have a stake and some lighter fluid.