So why bother with a forum at all when there's Facebook or Twitter, or *laugh* Parler or whatever?

Well, for one, you can’t get silenced over here for posting something the algorithm doesn’t like, or enough people flag for hurting their feelings.



The ability for us to discuss contentious issues and, frankly, complete fucking douchebag bullshitters, without fear of being brigaded, cancelled, muted, censored, shadowbanned, etc., is why we started this site in the first place almost 20 years ago.


You can talk with a level of civility here. Yes we fuck about a lot but generally if you act like a grown up you get treated like one. Twitter and Parler are just places to troll whichever brand of clown you fancy ragging that day. Facebook is the same, but with more pictures.


Exactly. For newer people reading this, the fact that, figuratively and literally, we don’t require people to wear kid gloves here doesn’t mean we’re just slinging insults and hostility at each other. Heck, let me quote… screw it, here’s a low-effort meme:

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Facebook isn’t a “community”. It’s a way for frat boys to stalk co-eds.

Maybe 12 years ago. Now it’s Boomer and whatever was between them and GenX -central.

And also Russian agitators.

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Boomer here. Mostly it’s a place for me to keep in touch with actual friends.

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Yeah, and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. If Facebook had just stayed focused on that purpose, rather than trying to make itself into a news hub or the next America Online, virtually nobody could complain about it.


Twitter is incomprehensible to me. How that abortion of a platform ever got popular is beyond me.


That one must have hurt @submessenger 's feelings deeply.

I blame capitalism.

We became something as a people with the old forums, and the FB Twitter verse sold us a product to fit that new thing. But they/we went way to far with that and hacked our own society to far. So now we cycle back here with our new layer of skills. FB and the Tweet will now have to adapt to this…repeat.

I have been bully beating on FB comment threads and in groups as a a matter of my character now. I think sparring made me(us) natural thread moderators as a function of who we are. I don’t appeal to moderators?

Glad to be back, unless I am actually just posting in an elaborate Trollshido trap…


Naa, we retired Trollshido. Now we have “Shidoposting”—it’s a brave new world!

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I’ll be glad to use the forums more than the private FB group. Posting/reading the group on FB leaves a chance I may wade into other bullshit and my life is marginally better the less I death scroll Twitter or FB. A forum seems to focus conversation and reply better. I like reddit but it’s still somewhere below a forum just because of the mass amount of users on it. I just kinda miss the older days of the internet when there were less dumb people. Or maybe they were just not celebrated as loudly back then.


I think a lot of people are realizing this, especially that it isn’t a good idea to have your co-workers and your grandma and your high school friends who still live in your hometown and your ex girlfriends all on the same platform.


100%. The internet used to be something you did on your own time, you’d chat with friends on IM, look up a walkthrough, yell at strangers about wrestling or music. Everything is now through the lens of not the internet, but social media. The internet forums and communities helped me cope with life. Now social media is life for many. There isn’t time for thought, just reaciton.


Because Facebook. Where you can legit use racial slurs and call for genocide, but if you call that person a pussy racist cunt you catch a three day ban for bullying. That is why we still need forums.


If Facebook is tag sparring, then I am old enough to get punched, (and cry for mercy)

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Trollshido is a cooler name

The word “troll” has been corrupted from its original meaning with regards to Internet discussions, by hack writers in the wake of the 2016 election misusing it to apply to info ops and propaganda campaigns.

In response, all the cool kids are using the term “shitposter”, so here we are.

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