Apparently not training.
Dam it Chuck, get back in the Gym!
Apparently not training.
Dam it Chuck, get back in the Gym!
It’s probably one of his off days, but I’m really curious to see how he bounces back from the Rampage rape.
I can’t think of a better way to recover and “bounce back” than having lots of women throw themselves at you
Yeah- that always increases my self confidence…
Sex is excellent cardio you fuckin haters. Chuck is on top of things. Prolly wants to go in wreaking of pussy so that faggot Jardine runs in disgust.
Isn’t the whole point of being sucessfull to get womenz? So, if Lidell has won enough to get the womenz then does he really need to win any more fights since we have established that he has already acomplished the main objective?
I honestly thought that someone was really asking that question, but I already knew the answer. I heard from a Brazilian BJJ guy that’s know’s one of Chuck’s BJJ buddies and said that he likes threesomes (a friend of friend- how corny is that!?).
Fuck, and I gotta go out and make quota to pay the bills. Bastard! At least he’s doing the right thing and enjoying it while it lasts. 10 years from now it’ll be Chuck who? Maybe he can make a bunch of B movies a la Don Wilson and stretch this out for an extra 10 years or more. THAT would be the MOVE.
What… this is training.
It’s part of his ultimate victory/long game strategy. If he can’t beat them in the cage, he’ll infect them with a terminal STD and ultimately eliminate through attrition.
Ensuring another title shot.
Taking a shower with Tim Sylvia?
Who wouldn’t???
what the hell?
That’s just weird.
It’s from “Bobby Z” a . . . “film” starring paul walker.
I see he’s getting a start on those B-movies. If Larry Fishburne is in it, and it STILL goes straight to video, it’s gotta be a pretty bad “film”.
Looks like he did an interview the day after he was in that nightclub:
Chuck can do what the fuck he wants. You get back in the gym, four-eyes.
I want to be chuck
thread necro!
I watched this last night. have you seen it? Paul shows off his dope jits. Chuck hardly has any lines, and gets killed in the first like 10 minutes. I actually really enjoyed it, the plot and writing was pretty good, and the action choreographer did a good job. fights were like flashpoint only shorter and with less chinese boxing. at one point guy has him triangled while they’re fighting in a kitchen, paul makes his way to the stove and turns the burner on under the guy as he’s passing out. it’s awesome.
You and I clearly saw a different movie.
Even for Paul Walker that was some of the most stilted, poorly written dialogue I’ve ever heard in my life.
It’s almost like the script said: “And Bobby Z is really a wind up toy built by Gipetto’s arthritic, palsied great-great-great grandson.”
Wow at that interview…he was pretty rough. Im guessin he was exhausted, drunk and doped from the night/maybe nights before. wow…he probably caught hell for that shit.
we’re talking about the same paul walker from fast and the furious right?
also, the old beach bum at the beginning and end should have been left on the cutting room floor. added nothing to the movie. other than that i liked it. pauls character wasn’t really complicated and he played it well, the other actors did a good job and it had a good ending. i’m not saying it’s a great movie, but it’s not the worst movie either. just don’t buy the dvd.
also, chuck liddell as a redneck yee haw.