Unwittingly. Somehow one of my pictures wound up on the site http://www.fuskem.com/
Does being a porn star entail bragging rights?
Unwittingly. Somehow one of my pictures wound up on the site http://www.fuskem.com/
Does being a porn star entail bragging rights?
To be a porn star I believe you need video…hint… hint
Right - that place is rife with ads for kiddie porn sites. A whois search will likely reveal the address of the person who built it, (if they’re morons.) See if there’s one in your city!
Didnt really look at the site. I’m not really worried about it. Looks like the site collects a lot of photobucket pictures and reposts them.
I found out about it because someone googled my photobucket account name, pulled up my myspace and then asked if i had more pictures from the same series.
Which one’s were they?
Glowstick pron.
Thats a silly one.
I was rolling and it was suggested and we really just cant turn down that kind of stuff when rolling.
That’s not ‘porn’ its just someone getting ready to have a safe, well lit halloween.
A fine use of a versatile product, but not the one suggested at the time.
can i just take your word for it and not click the link?
Certainly. The site is basically an advertisement for other porn sites.
Though… I suppose that describes every porn site.
I clicked the link. The only stuff with annatrocity on it was pictures from Hans Talhoffer’s Fechtbuch. So, I’m off to fap to Kampfringen.
I just did a search and pulled up more then that
Just click on the “annatrocity” link and you’ll get the glowstick pic and a bunch of random crap.
Old picture of me misbehaving with firearms. Picture of my awesome shooting skills with an uzi, picture of a clinch breaking technique from Fiore (1410)and a picture of a halloween mask with an eerie resemblance to some big bald fat guy that called me ugly while looking like the fat zombie from Night of the Living Dead (1990)
You should be flattered. The fact that you’re considered a porn chick just means that you’re hawt.
These days, unknowingly being an internet porn star isn’t a good thing (then again, I don’t think it was ever a good thing). Hormone raging teenagers can be pretty damn dangerous on the internet. All it takes is for one picture to set them on a Google searching spree, sometimes going as far as to having your Photobucket account hacked into.
But that’s just stating the obvious I guess.
Not till you have a stalker…
Nothin in there i’m embarrassed about. Photobucket is not where i keep my best pictures (mostly because they keep getting deleted for violating the Terms of Service)