So I was reading some of my old posts...

What the fuck happened to me. :sad8:

And people act like this is some huge surprise.

Don’t you mean “And People Act Like This Is Some Huge Surprise”?

Too much rep, too fast.

You need some rehab over at MAP.

It’s funny, when I meet people from the forum I always ask “What did you expect me to be like in person?” and the most common answer is “I thought you’d be a lot louder.”

I’d actually expect you to be very quiet around strangers.

Here we have a rare forgotten example of Aesopian recommending training without an instructor:


You’ll note that ever before I had fully formed my opinion on learning online, I was prescribing you to do the most basic movement of BJJ endlessly.

Good man Aesopian…good man.

I stopped giving people the benefit of the doubt.

:XXbazooka: :qleft7: :qleft6: :qleft5: :qleft4:

:qleft4: :qleft3: :qleft2: :qleft1: :new_2guns:

:new_snipe :qright1: :qright2: :qright3:

:phil: :qright4: :qright5: :qright6: :qright7: