So...I Slept With a Guy Last Night

this is completely disgusting. Seriously.

get a fucking life.

What’s disgusting about it?

[quote=Jim_Jude;2348171]What’s disgusting about it?

it just is.



no, it appears that it is you that have a problem. i’m just amused by your disgust.

yeah shits gross brah, but oh well Ill take my uptight ass somewhere else

Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.

I’m amused at your indignation at someone’s opinion.

no, come back. we know how to treat tight asses here well.
you’ll feel right as rain come tomorrow morning.

ya, i’m a bit riled up. been dropping some steaming piles in the past couple of hours in other threads. should try to chill a bit.

ICY I hope I never meet you at a Mega or something… it would just be way too fucking weird…

if you went oreo cookie style instead of fingerstuffs style, you probably did touch the other dude too much to be remain 100% straight. You might as well just go for it and try it, people are gonna assume anyway.

plus, as an mma fighter you’d still be more manly than most.

…I think it was in layer cake or summin where they said “fucking girls is for poofs”

[quote=Nwp;2348068]Mmmmmm. Vegas.
Its always better to regret something you have done than something you havent.[/quote]


There’s the funny ha ha regret that you can giggle about with your friends over a daquery, and then there’s the “why me” regret.
And it’s not always humorous several years down the line.

Morbid crap aside, ICY, think of this as grappling. Next time wear your MMA gloves and mouth guard. Who knows, it might develop into a new fetish involving the RNC, two midgets, and ping pong balls.


ICY so uhhh, whats penis taste like? Oh and witch one of you homo’s done got “Monson’d?”

^Best thing to come out of this thread.

[quote=ICY;2347955]Well, it went OK, except I was too drunk and high on blow to bust a nut, and we had another, sober round this morning.

One one point when he had his cock in her ass and I went to line mine up in her pussy…my hand touched it…and a couple times, there was some inadvertent eye contact…but I just thought “It’s still not gay, it’s still not gay!”[/quote]

Nah, it’s not gay.
But it’s pretty goddamn heteroflexible.

i could never do that.
i once had a retarded ‘threesome’ with two tourist girls when i was a young innocent drunk boy, but it was crap.
2 guys and one girl?
i got too much ego for that.

if i love a girl i could never share here, if she’s just my cumbucket i got too much ego to share her.

but if you think it will give you a mindaltering experience or something:go for it.

wait, i forgot who the op was: the girl did give her permission, right?



I don’t see the appeal. There’s plenty of 'em to go around y’know.

You’re clearly not an Inuit. And don’t live in a cold place.