The AB are the funniest racists—blah blah Aryan btw enjoy our Shamrock tattoos because we’re Celtic. Whitehwhat?
[QUOTE=Southpaw;2694952]You are way wrong on that one my friend. They work with EME as well as Black groups with regards to criminal activities, drugs, etc…but at the end of the day their philosophy makes them different from many other criminal organizations with regards to race.[/QUOTE]
So other non-white gangs aren’t racist towards others?
[QUOTE=Permalost;2694997]So other non-white gangs aren’t racist towards others?[/QUOTE]
There is obviously confusion even within all of these misguided groups. They aren’t even intelligent enough to know who to hate.
[QUOTE=jwilde88;2694932]The Aryan Brotherhood is no more a racist organization than the Bloods, Crips, or Latin Kings. Their biggest ally is La Eme, and they recruit from other races, so they’re really not that good an example of what a typical white supremacist organization behave like.
Prison Peckerwoods aren’t even proper Boneheads. That group is primarily about power and survival behind bars. I doubt they even know who Ian Stewart is.
[QUOTE=Permalost;2694997]So other non-white gangs aren’t racist towards others?[/QUOTE]
C’mon man! Crips and MS13 love them some white folks.
[QUOTE=Matt Phillips;2695001]Prison Peckerwoods aren’t even proper Boneheads. That group is primarily about power and survival behind bars. I doubt they even know who Ian Stewart is.[/QUOTE]
Lol too true.
[QUOTE=Devil;2695002]C’mon man! Crips and MS13 love them some white folks.[/QUOTE]
Whites can be a part of virtually any street gang. It can vary from set to set. There are white Bloods, Vice Lords, and even white associates in La Eme.
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Whites can be a part of virtually any street gang. It can vary from set to set. There are white Bloods, Vice Lords, and even white associates in La Eme.
Learned through experience on the hard streets of Asheville, no doubt. Shout out to my Biltmore homies.
[QUOTE=Devil;2695010]Learned through experience on the hard streets of Asheville, no doubt. Shout out to my Biltmore homies.[/QUOTE]
You are funny. How did someone like you survive the Biltmore Country Club? I’m sure it’s a tearjerker of a story and you were just barely passed up on a movie offer by that guy from Blindside.
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Is this the part where we go from talking about how awful gangs are to bragging about how tough we are thanks to our own gang associations?
I think somebody missed the joke.
[QUOTE=Devil;2695030]I think somebody missed the joke.[/QUOTE]
No. We see you.
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Says the Biltmore OG.
[QUOTE=Rivington;2695021]Is this the part where we go from talking about how awful gangs are to bragging about how tough we are thanks to our own gang associations?[/QUOTE]
representin’ tha Doppelgangsters!
[QUOTE=Devil;2695032]Says the Biltmore OG.[/QUOTE]
Lol this was good.
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[QUOTE=slamdunc;2694935]Sounds like money was her motive instead of genuine concern for the students. I wonder if she tried to extort him first.[/QUOTE]
well, she’s a politician isn’t she? I would be surprised if she didn’t.
Wonder if his violent past has influenced the trainning curriculum
Also I’m from the third world that entitles me to claim more street knowledge?
[QUOTE=RurikGreenwulf;2695148]Wonder if his violent past has influenced the trainning curriculum
Also I’m from the third world that entitles me to claim more street knowledge?[/QUOTE]
I’m sure violence was the farthest thing from his mind as he was showing off his Totenkopf to the cameraman.
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[QUOTE=RurikGreenwulf;2695148]Wonder if his violent past has influenced the trainning curriculum
Also I’m from the third world that entitles me to claim more street knowledge?[/QUOTE]
Does a violent past or more street knowledge better prepare one for life in the real world? In some cases, I can see where it would, but it is also a double-edged sword.
If one with a violent past is confronted in a back alley, he probably knows how to handle himself. What happens when the same person is in an office setting? Does he revert back to physical violence or will he be able to effectively communicate and deescalate the situation.
It doesn’t always come down to where you went to school, but what life lessons you learned and how you apply them.
[QUOTE=slamdunc;2695151]Does a violent past or more street knowledge better prepare one for life in the real world? In some cases, I can see where it would, but it is also a double-edged sword.
If one with a violent past is confronted in a back alley, he probably knows how to handle himself. What happens when the same person is in an office setting? Does he revert back to physical violence or will he be able to effectively communicate and deescalate the situation.
It doesn’t always come down to where you went to school, but what life lessons you learned and how you apply them.[/QUOTE]
I understand what you mean, but my question was more along the lines of the actual trainning he gives this kids even krotty for kids is still theoreticaly preparing them to defend themselves in a worse case scenario, So this man involved in direct violence in the past may teach them things looking for a more combat aplication rather than joe’s karate studio next door.
Simple english because I’m not a native speaker: He fought in the streets, now he teaches a martial art. Even if watered down karate for kids he may put some of his experience in the past in the teaching he gives the kids in theory giving them better chances to survive than a non-violent past instructor.