hello, i decided to finally join this site, i have read many posts throughout the years. I’m new at this posting thing but i will try to comment on multiple posts above, let me know if i screwed up, maybe my kids can help me…(see info at bottom)
Let me preface this by explaining i have been studying martial arts for over 24 years, i started kickboxing after wrestling in high school, the last 20 years i’ve been practicing Jujitsu and Judo, teaching since 1995/1996?, in addition to dabbling in Kempo and Kung-Fu My purpose of joining this thread, and basically this site, is to respond to posts related to Danzan-Ryu Jujitsu, more appropriately called Kodenkan Jujitsu, Kodokan Judo, and anything Jujitsu style related really, tradition and modern. I’m an instructor of multiple styles of Jujitsu, I don’t do much Judo anymore, I have back/disc issues, from a combination of construction work and martial arts over the past two decades.
First, Omega Supreme. It is unfortunate you have had such negative interactions with Danzan Ryu Instructor’s in the past. That is NOT the way the systems founder Henry S. Okazaki wanted it based on his writings. Not all of us are like that, i have met some of them also. I want to change that. And not only does Judo have kicks but they have a list of Vital Pressure Point Striking also, some even do healing arts.
Also what needs to be known is that there are many Danzan Ryu lineages out there. Someone mentioned the AJJF, yes they are the largest, but not the original. Also, yes they(ajjf) take a more kata approach I’m very aware, they also do something called freestyle. Other lineages do randori, standing and on the ground, also kata, and some even spar.
I just tested one of my students for his 1st Black, he did randori up and down, also multiple attackers, knife and gun, plus the katas.
Rememeber Okazaki, Danzan Ryu founder, had a Sumo Team and he himself competed in MMA way back in the 1920’s, and he won (documented in history). Judo founder, Kano, even visited Okazaki’s school and taught on at least one occassion. Okazaki was a 3rd Dan in Judo under Kano himself.
Second Yamabushi7. As for the ‘proclamation’ I’ve had personal conversations about that in the past with “hi ups”, and that is total bull***t. The proclamation supposedly came from Okazaki’s son and there was some manipulation involved by certain AJJF professor’s who I won’t mention here. But I know exactly who was involved and lets just say leisure fishing trips were involved also, which to those old timers in the know, will verify i’m not pretending here. Here’s why it is a BS proclamation. Master Okazaki’s and his son went thru lets just say some differences (son and father not speaking etc). When Okazaki died he had not been communicating with his son, his son was not even studying at the time and certainly was not a teacher at Master Okazaki’s school in Hawaii. Okazaki did not appoint a successor, the closest thing to it was Sig Kufferath being the first appointed head of instruction at the school after the masters death. Master Okazaki’s son did not even know the whole system, Sig and others did. Anything the son signed, gave ,or whatever was not worth the paper it was written on. So, Yamabushi7, if anyone had even half a chance at successorship/sokeship it would have been Master Sig K. This is exactly the kind of BS that causes static between the multiple Danzan organizations and has for YEARS.
Now somewhere here i read something about a Danzan-ryu black-belt could not hold up in the street against a Judo black-belt or BJJ black-belt. Actually i see it the other way around, remember now i have a Judo background also and wrestling and have taught many BJJ guys in the past. I see BJJ as a form of Judo, not Jujitsu. It came from Judo, has always been Judo, it just focuses on what we know in Judo as the “Newaza”. I will say there are some Danzan-Ryu black-belts that are next to shameful, but most arts have some of these people. If the Danzan-Ryu person has trained correctly and has been exposed to the upper level black-belt arts they will fight very well, and will die trying. Most of it would be illegal in sports like Judo and BJJ so you must separate them. No i don’t believe in “Combat Sports” even though i do follow MMA. Combat is one thing, Sport is another, very different and Danzan-Ryu is MUCH more combative than both Judo and BJJ.
Advanced Danzan Ryu can become like Chinese Kempo, that is how I teach it.
If anyone is seriously wanting to learn valid Kodenkan Danzan Ryu Jujitsu, one of the most comprehensive Jujitsu system on the planet and if your in Arizona, email me. Also we offer a different Goshin Jujitsu system designed for a distant learner, if you have a partner to train with, I can set you up with a very solid course, for nearly free. You must train it with effort, we assign you a teacher who corresponds with you, train and test by video, we review at one of our schools, and eventually get you certified. It is NOT a papermill type thing, you actual get sweatty and banged up a bit, it’s a great course, it is self-defense/street focus however, not sport.
email: jitsuyo@hotmail.com