Sifu gone WILD! (clip inside)

how the fuck is this making his students any tougher?? this Sifu needs a serious ass whoopin.

Warning, the link contains shocking/fucked up video of kung fu teacher…

Dude, this is old. And it’s been posted here at least twice before that I know of.

Jesus H. “Search Function” Christ!

Im sure a lot of the newer people have not seen it

I have seen this one before too. It would be nice if one of those students would scuff that guy’s tubby-tubby ass up.

someone please explain to me how he did not get his ass mobbed?

His students are obviously pussies. That’s why he’s beating them.

I’d train there.



It’s not nice to post old stuff, but I forgive you.

Kung fu? Sounds pretty Korean to me…

I got it from Ebaumsworld… it said it was Kung fu… besides, do u really think that looks like a Korean art??

You know, I seem to recall reading on some forum that the stick-happy dude is none other than Satoru “Tiger Mask” Sayama, who now runs a MMA dojo. Can anyone tell me if that’s true?

It’s Japanese.

And from what I remember of the clip, he says “What the fuck is this?” when he sees he’s being recorded at the end.

so what exactly is legal for the instructors to do with the students??

“What the fuck is this? You are filming? YOU SHOULD BE TRAINING!”
Hits students repeatedly with sticks.

These guys probably paid good money to train with a BMF like this guy.
If they can’t take the heat, they should GTFO the kitchen.

It is a shooto school in Japan and it is in fact Satoru “Tiger Mask” Sayama and everytime I have seen the damn clip I think wrf is he thinking.

And Ebaum is a thief who rips off other people’s content, overwrites their branding/watermarks, and rehosts it as if it was his.

Fuck Ebaum.

Ebaum just got Phrowned