Should this guy really be so angry?

[SIZE=2]So, I have a really good personal friend, we’ll call her Caitlin. I’ve known Caitlin for going on about six years, so to say she’s a fairly big part of my life is an understatement. Her and I were talking one night when she mentioned she’s never been taken her out in her life.

I mentally paused and had to fact-verify really quick. See, Caitlin and her boyfriend had been dating for a year or so, so the idea that she had never been taken out seemed very strange to me. She went on to tell me blah blah blah, Adam is a terrible boyfriend, he does this, he does that, it’s all terrible. Whatever. So, I figure, you know what? I’m single now, I have a good deal of disposable income from selling my ex-fiancee’s crap, I’ll do something nice for a change.

I call Caitlin one night and tell her that if she wanted I was going to out to grab a bite to eat and if she wanted to come she was more then welcome to. She accepted. Now, usually if I go out to get something to eat on my own it’s to a place like Muscle Maker Grill or something. Obviously this was not going to fly with Caitlin, and when she came out to my car (which, like me, is not very aesthetically pleasing) looking like she was ready to go insert whatever event people get way too dressed up for, I figured, well, hell, we’ll go somewhere (relatively, given my generally poor lifestyle) nice. So we end up going out to dinner at a Cheesecake Factory (shoot me, this isn’t the point). Blah blah blah, I took her out to dinner, she said she had a great time. Night ends.

Fast forward to yesterday. I look at my phone and notice a call from a number I don’t recognize, so I call it back. What follows is my best attempt to sum up the conversation.

He answers the phone swearing. I do not know this at the time but the person on the other end of the line is Adam. He is apparently livid I took his girlfriend out ‘behind his back’, made her cheat on him, so on and so forth. I explained that I don’t think what happened was really ‘cheating’ in any relationship sense, and the closest I came to making some sort of romantic move towards her was either a; giving her my hoodie (I didn’t know we were going someplace nice, god damn it) because she is very small and gets cold or b; opening her car door for her (partly out of perhaps misplaced chivalry and partly because my car is a piece of shit and the door sticks). He doesn’t want to hear it, I made him look bad. I point out that in all honesty I was doing something he should have been doing anyway and (not so politely) told him he should stop wasting my time.

What follows is what I can only describe as ‘some sort of giant fucking diarrhea shitstorm’. Suddenly Caitlin is a giant whore, I’m a two-timing dirtbag, Adam is the best guy ever who doesn’t deserve this, all sorts of ridiculous shit. I call up Adam and explain my position to him as best I can. Caitlin doesn’t need this sort of crap, I sure as hell don’t need this crap, and he probably doesn’t need this crap either. I manage to get him to at least stop acting like a teenage girl and spreading bullshit rumors but I can tell he is still pissed off and he makes it clear that if he saw me he would likely be violent. Now, I have no real overwhelming desire to fight some 110 pound asshole with an inferiority complex, but this whole situation is just really pissing me off (couldn’t tell by the giant fucking post?).

Did I really do something that wrong here? Is this guy an asshole? Am I an asshole? What should I do about this guy?

Yes, you’re an asshole! You knew her guy (Adam) didn’t ever take her out so you did. You took out another guy’s girl= asshole. If you’re not friends with Adam than I don’t suppose you should really care that you kind of pulled a dick move. Consequently, this other guy Adam is an asshole for not taking out his girl and treating her right. Lastly, this girl is an asshole for giving it up to Adam for a year without ever having gone on a date.
You’re all assholes!

What to do about Adam? Well, do you want his girl? If so kick his ass and take her out again. If not just dicktuck and apologize to him.

Caitlin wants you.

Also, you want her.

May as well go for it! Who cares about that Adam dude, who can’t even get it together to take his woman out. As far as any troubles that may emerge, why the hell do poor ugly bastards like you study boxing but for just such a circumstance?

This is some twenty-first-century Bertie Wooster shit going on here.

In the time it took you to type up that post, you should have had enough time for introspection to smack some sense into you.

He is pissed because he knows he is a loser who cannot even summon the class to take his girl out on a proper date. Instead of doing what a man should do I.E. take her out on a better date and make you look like a cheap chump (or even better should have been taking her out on all along and treating her right) he wants to rant at you and threaten to kick your ass. She should dump his ass and you should either ignore him, tell him to go fuck himself or if all else fails kick his monkey ass.

^ ^ ^
Do not listen to him. That man has no dick.

I certainly do have a dick just ask your mother.

I, like Macduff, am no man of woman born. Hence, you fail.

Nice work, MacDoof.

Yes but it doesn’t mean he’s not a douche. Two wrongs don’t make a right sorta thing.

@ Kickapoo,

You are friends with Caitlin for 6 years, he’s dating her for 1 year.
He treats her like shit and you did a nice thing for her (as a friend).
Now you have to proceed further on the path of chivalry…defend her honour.
Contact him, say that you treated Caitlin as a lady because he wouldn’t. Question him if his behaviour towards women comes from the fact that he hasn’t got any balls or that he just hates women, but is still afraid to come out of the closet.
Tape the gong sau and put it up here for our entertainment.

@ Speedy: Treat Caitlin better or she’s going to elope with Kickapoo! (just kidding :icon_tong Speedy).

^ This is very true.
Also, why are all you guys calling him an asshole, haven’t any of you gone out to dinner with a female friend before?

Look, If you’ve ever been in a relationship, than you know that they require work, and your GF will have friends who want them (i.e. this is you, Kickapoo), you can’t stop your girl from seeing her friends, nor should you.
All you need to do is be better than they are, and remember, she’s dating you, they’re friends and are likely to be stuck as friends forever (sorry, Kickapoo, hey I’m rooting for you, but realism is a good thing to acknowledge).:pity:

This Adam guy is a douch, he’s a crap boyfriend, and you didn’t make him look bad, he did.
Besides, you don’t owe him shit, if you were to take out a friend’s girl out, that would’ve been a very very different matter.

For conclusion, in my book, you are not an asshole, he is, she is stupid for staying with this guy, as for the rest of it, Zendokan already said it properly.

Why would you choose the screen name Kickapoo?

Meditate on that for a few days.

This is the reason why nobody wants to get involved with a domestic.

Speaking of dicks. Your friend as also used you (and posibly pimped you out for a fight) to score points.

He is obviously a dick and should be dating his hand. But she obviously knows this and is still dating him.

I would drop them both like a hot spud. Otherwise you are going to have to confront this guy to maby no result.

But htat depends how important your friendship is

Did you take her out because you’re a friend or because you wanted to undermine her boyfriend and play hide the sausage with her?

Your (honest) answer to this question will determine whether you’re an arsehole or not

[quote=Asriel;2357671]Did you take her out because you’re a friend or because you wanted to undermine her boyfriend and play hide the sausage with her?

Your (honest) answer to this question will determine whether you’re an arsehole or not[/quote]

I dont think he’s an ass either way. Sounds like the guy is a raging douche, knock his ass out and fuck this girl while he is lying there. He’s not being an asshole then, just an instrument of karma

Wow. There’s been a lot of [SIZE=2]feedback here, most of it mixed. That’s refreshing. I don’t really know how to quote multiple posts, so I’ll just respond here. I don’t really plan on stealing Caitlin from Adam (its not stealing if she comes willingly, amirite? No, really, that’s not cool and that is not my intention at all, regardless of his douchebag status.

Maybe some of you are getting the wrong impression- I didn’t bring her out because I wanted to make Adam feel like shit, but if he realizes he has to step his game up, good; that would be a bonus. I took her out because I think it’s bullshit that she’d never gotten to go out on an actual date (what the fuck happened to this anyway? I feel like old and shit).

[quote=Asriel;2357671]Did you take her out because you’re a friend or because you wanted to undermine her boyfriend and play hide the sausage with her?

Your (honest) answer to this question will determine whether you’re an arsehole or not[/quote]

Well, I am not allowed to have sex out of (at least) serious committed relationships, so yes, I took her out because I wanted her to have a legitimate date, not out of an overwhelming urge to have sex.

explain plz

  1. Do not take a guy’s girl for a date-like situation unless you clear this up with him first, or unless it’s pretty normal between you and the girl already. - Like, I have a few female friends that I go out from time to time, and the guys know that it’s not an offense to them.

Then again, I have had this done to me a few years back, with the guy having a pretty clear intention, and not only did the aftermath almost end my relationship with said girl, but I also was out for blood.

Ended in a nice showdown on a balcony, with the guy foolishly trying to threaten me, and me quietly telling him that I knew where his parents worked.


Thinking it again, maybe you shouldn’t take her out any more.

  1. What the hell do you care if you hurt that faggot’s feelings? - All business between you and Caithlin belongs to you and Caithlin. Is he her fucking father, to tell her with whom to go out, and with whom not?! That he reacts so overly misplacedly* emotional just means that he hasn’t learned to treat his woman with respect and trust.

  2. For the future, lay low. Their relationship is none of your business. Don’t let you get sucked in there. If you are more to the girl than just the instrument to bring some cheap thrill back into her relation, she will continue to treat you as a friend anyway.

Wise beyond my years, that I am.


The guy is obviously a douchebag wanker who takes his frustration and ineptitude out on others. You did a nice thing for a long time friend. She complained about it. She came willingly. The problem is clearly between the two of them. This guy obviously isn’t secure enough with himself enough to let his girlfriend have a guy friend.

He’s probably threatened as all hell by you, and the fact that you have been in her life far longer than he has. That, and the fact that he lacks the class/brain cells/bravado to take his girl friend on an actual date. (Which surprisingly says as much about the girl to be dating this guy… sorry, just had to say it.)

You did the right thing, same thing that probably most of us would have done. Good call on not fighting the asshole, it would probably cause him even more inferiority issues and gossip/rumors being spread. Neither of you need this shit. Best thing to do is just to ignore the poor retard.