Oh man I am one of those guys?
Actually yes you are probably one of “those guys”.
However, is there really anything wrong with owning a world renowned Icon of mechanical genius and beauty?
No there isnt.
Buy it. Dont forget a helmet.
Buy Japanese, forget dragging the toolset and spare parts around, IMO.
Well, now I hate your filthy guts. Jealousy is an ugly, ugly thing.
If you are a middle aged accountant… go right ahead.
yeah. i really think you need an upgrade dude. your current one is kinda lame.
SHJ, That avatar is going to send you straight to hell… :evil4:
As long as you refrain from subsequently buying every piece of Harley Davidson clothing, including the chaps shudder, and proceed to wear that shit around 24/7, you’ll be fine.
That’s the sleekest looking Hog I’ve seen in a long time.
I’m 27, and I work for a living. I think I get too dirty to have a midlife crisis.
Harley’s aren’t the rust buckets they were in the late 80s early 90s
I’m also looking at a slightly used swift kind of like this. I really really want this specific bike but it will probably sell before I scrape up the cash the guy wants.
Another possible - this is a bike I WOULD drive but it’s kind of a PITA getting one out here.
and another
(this one has the advantage of sitting in a dealership a block away). A lot of people I work with have Vics (and polaris atvs and snowmobiles) and I like how they look but they seem like a kind of medium powered option.
I don’t know a whole lot about the japanese built for speed bikes - I do know they look intensely fun and goddamn uncomfortable to use as an actual vehicle. Am I wrong?
edit: Fes, you wouldn’t believe how many people actually ride those around here. That and ATVs on the street, which pisses me off but isn’t as dangerous. See, the thing about pocket bikes is there’s no law about them where I live - they’re like vespas, their engines are too little to count as vehicles, so drunks and 12 year olds ride them around. It’s seriously not funny how easy it is to miss someone in traffic on one of those little bastards - they’re below the windows of many cars.
Also, what about a car? I need a car too. My current car is in a definate hoopty status. I’m very tall. I don’t like pickups, and I’ll probably keep the beat up SUV I have for tooling around/moving etc.
You need to spend your money on gear and get your ass back in the gym. Seriously, I need a guy bigger than me to toss around who isn’t a complete black out frenzy spastic.
But if you must buy a bike. Look into the Big Dog line of cruisers and choppers. And remember you need a seriously big bike cuz you are a seriously big dude and you don’t wanna look like one of them carnival clowns on a mini bike.
I think I will expense my gear
“Oh yeah this project geologist likes to stage gladiator fights…we just dig a pit and line it in flag stakes and go . . . yah I know weird but anything for a client”
Seriously. I NEED something new to drive. I’m either getting a new car or a bike and a used car. That Explorer is barely safe to take fishing.
PPS Implying that I’m not a spastic is the nicest thing anyone’s said to me in weeks
We live in Wyoming man!!! Unless your into frozen testicles then a bike is useless in the winter.
hence the "used car and a "
But seriously
I’m not staying. I have a “magic number” and when it’s hit, or if this tits project I’m on gives and they want to send me somewhere shitty, I’m going to soze. I’m just not a lifer in this industry - I’m already spending too much of my day thinking of ways to fuck with people I work with, and when I start going like that it’s an exit sign.
Luckily I’m free of social entrapments so the number is pretty low. I just want to walk out of it with some money in the bank and some shit I can drive - the last time I made good money, it pretty much went to bartabs for two because at that time I was under the impression getting laid had more to do with spending money then it really does.
Wow, that’s fucking sexy. And I’m not a fan of Harleys.
Buells though, are nice.
It’s funny you should mention that
a guy tried to put up a 600 ninja to me in a poker game and I’m like “dude I will look like a racoon on a rollerblade if I win…don’t you have, you know, money?”
I can’t ride a 600 rice rocket either. My knees stick out so far I wipe out peoples side view mirrors.
The bike in the OP is awesome.
Im not allowed to have a motorcycle. My mommy wont let me. Something about not using good judgement.
If you are thinking of moving on why not buy a good car and get a HArley to work on? Assuming you like working on bikes.
I work with a guy who was always uptight and wound up. He used to have a Harley but sold it about 10 years back.
I kept on him to buy a bike and finally he did. Overnight he has loosened up and drinks about a gallon of coffee less than he used to.
Maybe you need the “therapy” I hear bikes can bring.
2 things, have you ridden before, and if so have you wiped out before. When I first got a dirtbike 15 years ago, I crashed into a wall. I think thats the best way to go about it, you’re eventually going to go down, so bang it out quick. With that I was good for 15 years. So after my last spill 3 weeks ago hopefully I’ll be good for another 15 years.
I will soon own a Kawasaki or a Honda.
For someone your size though, I’d suggest a Harley, unless you are getting a Hayabusa or something retardedly huge. You’ll just look weird on a sportsbike.
Fuck, for someone my size, a 250R would be more than enough for daily driving.