Sho'Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem Julius Carry died at 56 of pancreatic cancer.

I am sure more than a few people remember The Shogun of Harlem.

Julius Carry–aka The Shogun of Harlem, famed villain of The Last Dragon and the baddest mo-fo, low-down, around this town–has died of pancreatic cancer at age 56. Donations in his memory can be sent to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

Thanks for being one of the greatest fu villains of all time, Julius.

He was the baddest mo-fo in town.

             R.I.P.   Julius Carry   may you find your "glow" in heaven

Christ, I just watched that film last night.

RIP Sho 'Nuff

I was thinking about going as Sho’nuff for Halloween. Damn, I liked him in Briscoe Country Jr.

Julius Carry was, the meanest, the prettiest, and the baddest mofo low down around this town.

He will be missed.

Goodbye Sho’Nuff. Your beating the shit of kung fu pretty boys made me laugh. And 56 is far too young.