Shinobi Earth Pit

True story: I went all Zatoichi on this pinata once. All the drunks couldn’t hang, but the particular party favors I had ingested gave me Zanshin, mushin, or whatever. I took a kenjutsu stance and WHACK.

Blind sword for the win.

Outside of that, the main use for a sword today is to establish alpha Geek credentials to dominate the othher nerds in your D&D club.

If you tried to use one in “real life”:

  • you wouldn’t have it if you needed it.
    -if you had it, you’d get shot in seconds.
    -even if you successfully used it, the prosecuting attorney would rape you sensless. The good news is you’d have both time and motivation to work on your shiv-fu and shank-jutsu.

That being said, some of my boys do redneck kendo at our “sword club” and its a blast.

One day science will stop working and magic will rule the world, and Unicorns will appear, and people will have to learn how to make chain mail out of coat hangers.

And I’ll know how to fence


Antifa, when you say “mace,” are you referring to pepper spray or a mace?

Just curious.

Oh, and GoJu-Joe…lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt!!

Considering it directly preceeds tazer, i’d say some form of OC spray as opposed to a medieval weapon.

I’m refering to the former. In all its wonderous variety: personal, LEO only family-sized mist-makers, grenades, thoose shotgun rounds that split into three-spinning gas bombs at flight apex. I’d wager if its legal to deploy on a crowd in North America and its been used I’ve been in a crowd it was used on.

I’d do product review but I dont want to give you guys any ideas… nothing personal.

On another note. I used to own something like the latter. It had 3 4-inch triangular blades and 1 8-inch can opener shaped blade. It was ugly. I kept it around to kill cars. Because after you hit somebodies car with that the 2nd time you know one thing for sure (they dont have a gun). my girlfriend hated it. questions?

LOL RCMP deploying no-fun juice on APEC protestors here in BC:

sometimes we dont care so much

rolls 20 sided dice and…18 yahoo

Just for the heck of it, I googled your typo (?) and decided to share the first and third hit of the search engine…

Now, I wonder…
Was it really a typo? :5clock:


looks like some cobra kai action

“sweep the leg johnny”

Do you now speak for all martial arts, or just the ones in the video game your name comes from?

Shinbushi! You by far have the best avatar that I have seen. The only way to learn anything is to go do it for yourself w/ assorted people.

wizen up shit this is far to much fun. it’s not easy toi skip the grammer but crap it seems the only intellegent thing cheesy can do. he dosen’t to talk shop just spelling. so I’ll give him something to talk about.

