Fake and Fraud: Peter van Hooij Arnhem Sportschool van Hooij!
Dear Friends
Peter van Hooij from Sportschool van Hooij from Arnhem City is indead a bigg fake and a fraud! The evidence is very clear to all of us!
Mike Martello has never met this Peter van Hooij in person, NEVER EVER! Mike Martello started the Wu Tan ascociation and that is evolved in the current Zhen Wu organisation. Rosa Mei the ex girlfriend of mr Mike Martello mailed us the following:
Rosa Mei de ex vriendin van Mike Martello EMAILED the following:
Dear Richard,
I knew all of MIke’s students and training partners. I have never heard of Peter van Hooij, nor did Mike ever mention him and we talked every day about the school and his students. He certainly NEVER gave anyone the title of “Sifu” or “Laoshi”.
Kim Haukland (former instructor of Zhen Wu Antwerp and now of Zhen Wu Prague) attended every training camp organized by Mike and Zhang Laoshi and does not recognize this person.
I also asked Master Zhang XinBin if he knew of Peter van Hooij and he looked at Peter’s website and said he did not know this person. Zhang Laoshi said there is a possibility that this man attended a few of his seminars before in the past, but he has no right to use his name (or Sun and Yu Laoshi’s names as well) to promote himself. In traditional Chinese martial arts, this is only a privilege granted to disciples. Zhang Laoshi wrote this. “他 (Peter van Hooij) 也没有权利代表我和麦可,因为他不是我们的徒弟。” In translation this means, Mr. van Hooij has no authority to represent either me or Mike because he is not a disciple.
So regarding the following two statements, they are false.:
“…Peter van Hooij was trainingspartner en privstudent (van 2001 t/m 2008) van Mike in Belgie…”
“…en Nederland. Hij volgde tevens intensieve trainingen bij Mike’s leermeesters Zhang Xinbin, Yu Shaoyi en Sun Ruxian toen Mike hen uitnodigde om als gastdocent in Belgi les te komen geven. Peter specialiseerde zich bij Mike in Sanda (Sanshou). In 2008 vroeg Mike aan Peter om het geleerde te onderwijzen in Nederland en kende hem de traditionele leermeestergraad (Laoshi) toe…”
Unfortunately, Mike never left a will so, unfortunately, anyone (be it a beginner student or even someone who has never met him) can make any claim whatsoever and use MIke’s name to promote themselves. This is highly unethical, but there is very little recourse for legal action. There are also ex-students of Mike’s (XIngLong Zhen Wu Antwerp) who started their own school and claim to be continuing Mike’s teachings. Their claim to Mike’s “legacy” could also disputed, however it IS true that they did train with Mike in the past. They were never “authorized” by Mike to be teachers.
I knew Mike since '94. We moved to Belgium from NY together. He was my partner, my husband and best friend. After his death, I also handled the matters of his estate and took over running the martial arts school in Belgium and continued the international training camps he began with Zhang Laoshi and Rene. Mike was a genius martial artist and also the kindest man I have ever met. He would never have wanted his legacy tainted in this way.
It may be the case that Peter van Hooij feels a great affinity for Mike’s teachings and agrees with all of his principles. He should use his own martial skill to promote himself without the name dropping and just continue training.
Rosa Mei
Jochen Wolfgramm the best friend of Mike Martello mailed the following:
Dear Vincent,
I write to you in english, so you can better understand the answers to your questions.
As for the Memory of my teacher Mike Martello:
yes it would be nice, if everybody would act in respect for his work and don’t misuse his name and his teachings. But unfortunately there is no legal or official way to force this.
As for this Peter van Hooij:
I never heared Mike talking about him, so it is possible that he took one or two private lessons with Mike but was clearly not a long time student. Mike and me talked intensively about our students whenever we met. We were about to build up the Zhen Wu Organization in Europe and therefore we talked about people working with us in the future. So we never talked about Mr. van Hooij it is likely so that he was not a close student of Mike. Also looking at his videos I can clearly see that he didn’t trainin the ideas of Mike Sifu.
Another topic: Mike clearly rejected all the titel and politics BS. So he would never give somebody the “titel” laoshi or sifu (because it is NO titel).
Anyway: an open discussion will not change anything. Let the misguided people do what they feel need to do. Quality stands for itself.
Keep looking for a good school near you or just come over and learn at my school if you don’t mind the distance.
Jochen Wolfgramm
This Peter van Hooij is a selfproclaimed master of the martial arts and he fabricated his own certificates and other stuff. He is a liar!
FACT: Laoshi Peter van Hooij from Arnhem Nederland is Fake
Sportschool van Hooij is teaching the first class BULLSHIDO martial arts, it does not matter if someone has created his own style or system. But when you create B.S. and say i learned it from this or that master, and every institute denied Peter van Hooij trained and or studied there the THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG with this Peter van Hooij Guy.
Peter Van Hooij runs an M.C. Dojo and the facts are clear.
Peter van Hooij need to be investigated for all of his frauds and lies, i will soon post more evidence at fraud MR Peter Van Hooij!
Thanks ! greetings Richard Kohlman!
The topic with liar Peter van Hooij is on the "forumDOTdutchbodybuildingforumDOT com and just take a look at that!
Zai Jian!
P.S. I will post more oon this fraud soon because he also never trained under Phoa Yan Tiong and other masters, he was not evenm at the funeral of his socalled master Jay Elfring who died at december 2011 , and at the funeral of Mike Martello his closest friend and teacher he was not even there also!