[QUOTE=goodlun;2848829]Are you really that fucking retarded I thought your mirror post was a tongue in cheek joke not serious.
Do you not understand how much energy 30kW is?
Do you not get what is going to happen to the glass when it gets hit with 30kWs?
Do you not understand how a L.A.S.E.R. actually works?
Do you not understand how a mirror actually works?
Now imagine something that is x60 times more powerful
Oh and here lets lay some fucking physics on your stupid ass
Stop ruining my fun with wrabbit.
Oh and if you want in the discussion that bad post the video I asked for earlier, I only require one video of a laser confirmed to melt through a mirror.
[QUOTE=goodlun;2848837]or cutting Stainless steel (you know the stuff under the glass)
It’s like devil says about krav, if it’s that easy then show me the video proof. And no steel and glass are not the same as actually melting through a mirror.
[QUOTE=goodlun;2848841]Did you not see the 500w laser cutting through mirrors posted by both Me and Backfist?[/QUOTE]
Did you even bother to read what backfist said about how they process those mirrors?? Seriously is it that hard to find just ONE legit video of a mirror getting melted by a laser?? If so then why do you suppose that is??
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2848845]When photons hit a reflective surface like a mirror they heat it because they impart energy. For this reason industrial strength mirrors used in solar paneling is not your average mirror.
Or a mirror at all really, because mirrors are bad at reflecting light.
DO you know the exact specs of the mirror you’d have to build to reflect a laser in the 40 watt range for more than say t=5s? Let us know when you’ve run the numbers.[/QUOTE]
I will just about the time you find the video I’m asking for.
[QUOTE=Bneterasedmynam;2848847]I will just about the time you find the video I’m asking for.[/QUOTE]
You’re a fucking idiot, nobody needs to make the video you’re talking about.
Replace mirror with block of cheddar cheese, go find that video.
[QUOTE=goodlun;2848841]Did you not see the 500w laser cutting through mirrors posted by both Me and Backfist?[/QUOTE]
He’s trolling don’t bother if he keeps it up all the post get Trollshido’d.
The thing is I will actually believe you all I need is the proof. I’m not asking for much just one real legit video, and I will agree with you. Oh and in theory I do agree that a large enough laser could melt a mirror, since as you said some of the energy isn’t reflected. But again proof is what I want, just like any theoretical debate on here I want proof.
[QUOTE=Bneterasedmynam;2848850]The thing is I will actually believe you all I need is the proof. I’m not asking for much just one real legit video, and I will agree with you. Oh and in theory I do agree that a large enough laser could melt a mirror, since as you said some of the energy isn’t reflected. But again proof is what I want, just like any theoretical debate on here I want proof.[/QUOTE]
I don’t care if you believe me all you’re doing is shitting up the thread.
There is plenty of video in this thread that shows laser melts mirror. Laser melts drone. Laser melts truck engine.
Laser melts you, idiot, holding the fucking mirror, drone, or truck engine.
Jesus you two need to be chunners you both make the same bullshit excuses when you can’t provide simple video proof of your statement.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2848852]I don’t care if you believe me all you’re doing is shitting up the thread.
There is plenty of video in this thread that shows laser melts mirror. Laser melts drone. Laser melts truck engine.
Laser melts you, idiot, holding the fucking mirror, drone, or truck engine.[/QUOTE]
You know the funny part jackass?? This whole bullshit argument would never had existed if you hadn’t acted like an ass over what was a silly for fun post regarding lasers and mirrors.
[QUOTE=Bneterasedmynam;2848859]Jesus you two need to be chunners you both make the same bullshit excuses when you can’t provide simple video proof of your statement.[/QUOTE]
Would a live functional grenade blow up an egg?
I don’t have video fucking proof of that either but I know the fucking answer.
[QUOTE=Bneterasedmynam;2848862]You know the funny part jackass?? This whole bullshit argument would never had existed if you hadn’t acted like an ass over what was a silly for fun post regarding lasers and mirrors.[/QUOTE]
Fuck you, your the one that escalated it.
He pointed out that a mirror would melt which is true.
Then you went and called him retarded for it.
So fuck you and your shitty arguments.
[QUOTE=goodlun;2848863]Would a live functional grenade blow up an egg?
I don’t have video fucking proof of that either but I know the fucking answer.[/QUOTE]
What a dumbass fucking response. Like I said chunners.
[QUOTE=goodlun;2848864]Fuck you, your the one that escalated it.
He pointed out that a mirror would melt which is true.
Then you went and called him retarded for it.
So fuck you and your shitty arguments.[/QUOTE]
Go fuck yourself asswipe, all I did was ask for simple proof, which neither of you have provided.
[QUOTE=Bneterasedmynam;2848866]Go fuck yourself asswipe, all I did was ask for simple proof, which neither of you have provided.[/QUOTE]
Video of a mirror being cut with a 500w laser
Video of other reflective surfaces being cut with lasers.
Video of that materials that make up mirrors cut with lasers.
A physics discussion about how mirrors do not reflect 100% of the light that hits them
BTW this is something you can verify by touching a mirror that been out in the sun. You will notice that it is hot. That heat is the light that didn’t escape.
30kw = 102364.24925 BTUs
So you where given proof.
Sorry if you are incapable of adding that proof up to something.
Just for the fun of it here is a mirror being laser etched
Showing you that lasers can indeed have an effect on a mirror
Now that is a 40 w laser as in one that is putting out less energy than your standard light bulb.
Now think about what that at a 1000x the output is going to do to a piece of glass.
Not every forum is YMAS. Don’t troll the Armory Cassius will fuck you up.
You want to ask a question? Go ahead.
No, you are trolling for video proof of lasers doing something that is common sense and elementary physics.
Lasers can cut through diamonds. They’re pretty fucking reflective too.
Feel free to post INFORMATIVE MATERIAL or maybe some INFORMED COMMENTARY to the lasers thread. The thread is not about demanding video showing two lasers fucking, or melting cheese, or doing anything else other than destroy things.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2848893]
Lasers can cut through diamonds. They’re pretty fucking reflective too.[/QUOTE]
I would say the fact that the way they defuse light would make them more laser resistant than a mirror.
For example if you leave a diamond out in the sun all day its not going to heat up too much.