Shaolin-Do/Chinese Shao-Lin Center

Yes, done to death but not the Chinese Shao-lin Center. They are related to SD but ran slightly differently. Both are under GrandMaster The.

I was an instructor and quit because of the BS. I started before the internet became accesible with information so Shut Up. Yes, I have proof of being an instructor and have the email that I sent quitting. Supposedly, I have been kicked out although I have no confirmation.

I was thinking of writing up some of my expereinces on the BS from the inside.

These are my Opinions I would touch:

Why they are making money.
Why some of the techniques look like the work.
Why people are fooled.
Why people stay.
How close is it to a cult?

Their classes are pretty packed and I hate that nobody questions this side of Shaolin-Do.

If you write it, I will post it at the nearest SD school.

let’s open the discussion on this.

It is Fake?? I’m interested in your point of why some techniques look like they work.

First let me preface this by saying I was kicked out.

Now, I do have proof that I quit teaching, on my own, before I was asked not to return.

So, some people will say it is vindictive. Sad thing is I was disgruntled way before I finally quit teaching.

It all depends on the teacher. One of things I can attest to is most teachers (before I quit) have other MA back grounds.

All of these teachers:
Boise: Karate (possibly kyukoshin)
Las Vegas: Aikido, Kung Fu
Colorado Springs: Karate
Myself: Kenpo/Hwa Rang Do(pre TSD and contracts)/ Basic Boxing
The original Instructor SJC: Bagua/BK Frantzis
LA/Northridge: Original: Karate Current: Karate
New Mexico: Karate
New York: Ballet Dancer
Tucson: MA can’t remember
New Hampshire: TKD

So, most instructors had a background in other MA. A few competed in the full contact back in the early 90’s.

So, what happened to me was my school fought hard as I was coming up in rank. So, we tended to train like we sparred. So, when something didn’t work we would fix or throw it out.

What would happen is modifications became apparent.

Twice a year instructors are required to attend Training Seminars headed by David and Sharon Soard. 5 days at the most for 8-10 hours of lectures and training.

So, you have all these different styles mixing and taking what deemed good in and bad out. IMO that is why it is so unrecognizable.

We also had an amateur boxer that was an assistant instructor. He constantly preached head movment, slipping, footwork, etc…

I talked to a shaolin do guy near me, but didn’t really spar him. He told me that each school is different, some train to fight, and others don’t.

See with the West Coast it is different. They are ruled with an Iron hand. Seriously. they are borderline cultish. We constantly got in trouble for sparing to hard. They do what is called 20% sparring on a regular basis.

East Coast SD is so widespread that they have internal fighting. Thing is if they aren’t under Bill Leonard they don’t fight. Pretty much end of story. Many feel they can but, very few can.

I’ve heard stories of chi projection out of SD people in the past. Very wierd.

Boy do they ever.

If I remember correctly, somebody was telling me that bob green(?) broke like a foot of patio block without touching the block.

I was like “that’s bulshit man”

Yeah, and Bill Leonard hit someone so hard in the head he caused a radial fracture.

I have to think the stories get the LARPers through the door and bring in the $$.

If he didn’t want them sheared… He wouldn’t have created them sheep.

Well it is great:

The West coast does do it better in this case. Everything in parentnesis are prices when I started.

$50(40) a month (cheaper if you do a 3-6-12 month oral contract).

4-classes(6 ) a week, for a total of 8 (12) hours training. 11(16) hours if you count practice/open floor without instruction, tues. wed. and thurs (Mon&Sun). (although you can ask for help). Great deal. Especially if you don’t no any better.

$50(40)-$60(40) 6(3-4) special classes/festivals REQUIRED are taught, that you must take for promotion to the next rank these are now a yearly requirement. These are on a rotating schedule usually 2(1) a year.

Weapons 35-and up required are Nunchaku, Sai, Kwando, Spear, TigerHook, Single & Double Broadsword, Straigh sword. Many of these need to be purchased within your first 2 years of the art.

Then there are the Sin The’ and David and Sharon Soard out of town or in town festival.

Sin The $100(60-75)
David & Sharon 75(25-40).

Cerificates, Belts, Patches, and special weapons (required for Sin The’ festivals) are all bought through the David and Sharon.

Just. . .wow!

Hey, why don’t you do your write-up,
and preview it in here as you go along?


I am going to, I’m in the middle of checking out HFY wing Chun. So, it is kind of medium priority. I promise I’ll put both up for review.

The only problem is people will try to say I was kicked out and it is sour grapes.

Well, when you write a draft, and post it in here, we will try and elimiate that argument to the best we can.

All right I’ll work up a rough draft and get to the issues.

What I’ll do is give as much of the business as I can with out breaching confidetiality rules. Yes, they put this in the teachers contract. Hell, I could write a thesis on the BS in the contract alone.

If you guys think some of the things are cult like I might have to send you a copy of the 2003 edition. As of August 2005 it was the most current.

I actually quit teaching before I was removed for cross training.

Try to stay focused on the facts, and to present both sides.
Let your research tell the story, not YOU.
And, start with the fact that you quit (link or ref your e-mail w/date)
and the claim by them that you were let go (link or ref info w/dates).

Just leave it at that.
Your factual representation of their operations, and teaching, etc.
will win out over any flaming backlash from their side.

Take your time, and do a good job. Be objective, even with what
you may want to point to aas an example. . .look for other examples,
and also look for anything that may support the opposite viewpoint.
Note if there are, or are not.

Good Luck!

edit: you may also need to explain why you stayed so long before
leaving. Don’t forget to mention WHY they say they let you go, that
in itself (crosstraining) is in your favor.

Meex is exactly right, that’s the approach you want to take.

Alright good ideas. The only negative was getting kicked out is by word of mouth. So, technically it never happened. I gave the school to a supposed friend (a whole other story) who later said I was removed. They purposely didn’t send an email.

I do have the email where they linked all of our correspondence together when I quit teaching.