Bullshido- the site filled with wing chun haters and BJJ nuthuggery. I came here accidently and could not believe the way the users here verbally assault people using foul language purely because they don’t agree with their view. So I want to point out…

IT IS SLOW! Even the founder- the Gracies- have to take two full minutes to fully submit untrained opponents back in UFC 1. If people who practice the art so frequently take so long- what hope does the average joe who goes one to two classes a week have?

I have seen Wing Chun practitioners (with my very OWN eyes) knock people out in a matter of seconds. FACT.

BJJ also does not work in tight enclosed spaces- and I am not talking about the wardrobe that most of you pull up when us chunners talk about this. Staircases and washrooms are too very good examples.

Furthermore, BJJ dies when versing more than one opponent. Simple kicks that the average soccer mom can deliever are more than enough to cause damage whilst the practitioner is trying to finish up on the ground. At this point of time, DO NOT TELL ME THAT ALL MARTIAL ARTS SUCK AGAINST MULTIPLE OPPONENTS. Just because you cannot do it, does not mean that someone else can’t- theres a reason why striking/throwing was utilised so much more during times of warfare than the ground game.

To add to this, one of the things I read here was “oh, you don’t get a workout in wing chun”…this is NOT the truth. I sweat, I pant, I drink tonnes of water. The truth IS that I tried out BJJ before for two months- when I was still nice and naive. I thought it was exhuasting too- then realized it was just the warm ups that were tiring me out. Sit ups, somersaults, pushups- yeah, they’re draining of energy aren’t they? They’re also activities in which I could do alone at home without any form of payment! After warming up, all we ever did was stand around whilst the instructor demonstrated (WITHOUT ANY LIVE RESISTANCE!) moves on a fellow student. Then, (WITHOUT AN YLIVE RESISTANCE) we would pair up and try it out ourselves. The only part which remotely encourages more movement was at the end when we “sparred”. Unfortunately, the “as real as it gets” part does not hold true here- there isn’t any striking, use of strength is discouraged and only people who suffer small man syndrome of some sort ever enjoyed it (“ooo…see! I can take out someone who is a feet taller than I was! yeah, he wasn’t trying his hardest, wasn’t hitting me, wasn’t list continues on but the point is I BEAT HIM”!)

Finally, BJJ costs an arm and a leg. Stop going on about ridiculous payments in mcdojos! Bohoo, people pay $100 to go to wing chun…wake up! You guys pay more than that to go to BJJ! Bohoo, you guys have to pay to grade! SO DO YOU! No matter if its monthly fees, equipment (e.g. gis and rashguards for no gi training) or seminars…YOU GUYS DISH OUT A FORTUNE TOO.

I would probably end up banned for not becoming another white sheep in the flock but I would just like to tell you that the ground does not absorb shock well and BJJ is one of the more INFERIOR arts in the MA world if there ever was an official ranking.

There’s a reason you didn’t post this in the real forums, isn’t there?!

I knew from the all caps title this was gonna be good.

Bohoo, people pay $100 to go to wing chun…wake up! You guys pay more than that to go to BJJ!

The rent in BJJ is too damn high but Wing Chun is owning a time share on a glory hole.

Bohoo, you guys have to pay to grade!

No we don’t.

As a former Wing Chun practicioner:

Exhibit A.


[QUOTE=TMAist;2578966]Bullshido- the site filled with wing chun haters and BJJ nuthuggery. I came here accidently and could not believe the way the users here verbally assault people using foul language purely because they don’t agree with their view. So I want to point out…

IT IS SLOW! Even the founder- the Gracies- have to take two full minutes to fully submit untrained opponents back in UFC 1. If people who practice the art so frequently take so long- what hope does the average joe who goes one to two classes a week have?

I have seen Wing Chun practitioners (with my very OWN eyes) knock people out in a matter of seconds. FACT.

BJJ also does not work in tight enclosed spaces

Furthermore, BJJ dies when versing more than one opponent. Simple kicks that the average soccer mom can deliever are more than enough to cause damage whilst the practitioner is trying to finish up on the ground. At this point of time, DO NOT TELL ME THAT ALL MARTIAL ARTS SUCK AGAINST MULTIPLE OPPONENTS. Just because you cannot do it, does not mean that someone else can’t- theres a reason why striking/throwing was utilised so much more during times of warfare than the ground game.

To add to this, one of the things I read here was “oh, you don’t get a workout in wing chun”…this is NOT the truth. I sweat, I pant, I drink tonnes of water. The truth IS that I tried out BJJ before for two months- when I was still nice and naive. I thought it was exhuasting too- then realized it was just the warm ups that were tiring me out. Sit ups, somersaults, pushups- yeah, they’re draining of energy aren’t they? They’re also activities in which I could do alone at home without any form of payment! After warming up, all we ever did was stand around whilst the instructor demonstrated (WITHOUT ANY LIVE RESISTANCE!) moves on a fellow student. Then, (WITHOUT AN YLIVE RESISTANCE) we would pair up and try it out ourselves. The only part which remotely encourages more movement was at the end when we “sparred”. Unfortunately, the “as real as it gets” part does not hold true here- there isn’t any striking, use of strength is discouraged and only people who suffer small man syndrome of some sort ever enjoyed it (“ooo…see! I can take out someone who is a feet taller than I was! yeah, he wasn’t trying his hardest, wasn’t hitting me, wasn’t list continues on but the point is I BEAT HIM”!)

Finally, BJJ costs an arm and a leg. Stop going on about ridiculous payments in mcdojos! Bohoo, people pay $100 to go to wing chun…wake up! You guys pay more than that to go to BJJ! Bohoo, you guys have to pay to grade! SO DO YOU! No matter if its monthly fees, equipment (e.g. gis and rashguards for no gi training) or seminars…YOU GUYS DISH OUT A FORTUNE TOO.

I would probably end up banned for not becoming another white sheep in the flock but I would just like to tell you that the ground does not absorb shock well and BJJ is one of the more INFERIOR arts in the MA world if there ever was an official ranking.[/QUOTE]

Falling asleep due to a massage is not a KO.

BJJ also does not work in tight enclosed spaces
Neither does the chun what’s your point?

OP: I didn’t read your overly long butt-hurt speech, but I am sure you are an idiot.

Heads up, there’s a Traditional Martial Art section of the website to discuss things the Chun related without being verbally raped.

Don’t bring tired arguments to a thread talking about aggressive responses in an aggressive way, somethings not adding up there. I’m a former participant in the cult of the Chun (3.5 years, about to grade to Black and left with out a worry), very happily reformed.

Cost, I pay 950$-990$/Year, upfront to cover 6 days a week training. I train 3-5 days a week as time and commitments allow—so $3.63-$6.01/Class for me to train including BJJ/MMA/Greco-Roman Wrasslin’/Boxing/Muay Thai/Weights/Open Mats, so yeah guess that’s expensive…in comparison to a cheese burger.

BJJ and self defence, you’re not fighting for a sub on the ground, you should be fighting to get out, get up, and get away without any injury or CAUSING any injury. You don’t knock a guy out EVERYTIME you throw a punch, but I can always sub someone if I get a limb (especially if they know nothing); to argue your incoherent point.

Work out or not, train well, train alive, train hard, be honest—I don’t care what your martial art is! Beginner classes are not meant to simulate this, as you need structure to break the rules and recover. Once you have a basic grasp on position/posture/control you can roll all over the place just getting used to the movement. Not using strength is used to guide you to FOCUS ON TECHNIQUE, not to never use strength ever (that would be the Chun, sorry, couldn’t resist).

Also, I must say, watch UFC 1-5 again, see how ‘Inferior’ it is…winning;2 mins to fully control an opponent and take your time to dismantle them as you want? Yes please.

In the end, just enjoy your training, be honest why you are doing it, be honest about your training and your own goals, and mainly follow the motto ‘STFU and go train harder’.

Welcome to Bullshido :).

[QUOTE=TMAist;2578966] After warming up, all we ever did was stand around whilst the instructor demonstrated (WITHOUT ANY LIVE RESISTANCE!) moves on a fellow student. Then, (WITHOUT AN YLIVE RESISTANCE) we would pair up and try it out ourselves.[/QUOTE]

One would certainly hope so.

Oh hey, we had a Wing Chun guy show up to our last open sparring day at the Kyokushin dojo I train at… he was a really good sport about getting his ass kicked.

LOL butthurt.

I think someone’s mum grounded them and they are trying to stay amused in their bedroom after running out of hentai and Jet Li movies.

[QUOTE=TMAist;2578966]Bullshido- the site filled with wing chun haters and BJJ nuthuggery. I came here accidently and could not believe the way the users here verbally assault people using foul language purely because they don’t agree with their view. So I want to point out…

I sweat, I pant, I drink tonnes of water.[/QUOTE]
I laugh, I point, I grab popcorn.

I thought Ip Man 1 was better than Ip Man 2.

I don’t think this will prove to be lowest content post in this thread.

When I got the paper this morning it was wet. Still not lowest content post in this thread.

OP, why the butthurt?

He got choked out through a BJJ player’s nutsack and is attempting to justify the loss to himself by saying it would never happen in a real fight.

At least there’s a chance of the striker in your example being at least competent in his standup game.

Probably a troll-job.

OP - You can’t fight, shut the fuck up.

Sub standard, you didnt even explain the correlation between BJJ and latent homosexuality or the fact that UFC 1-5 were fixed.