(Serious) question about midgits and MA

I know that there is midgit mma ans so forth. I have always heard about the dis-advantages of being a midgit.
My question is how hard would it be for a midfgit to roll or fight against a normal size person?
How much of a disadvantage would they have?
Would they be weak like little children?
How would they approach BJJ or kickboxing?
I’m real curious. What are some good links?
I have searched the web but there is nothing.

I know some of u are dying to mod me. Well fuck u.
I am, serious, I’m asking a genuine question.
some of you can’t tell when I’m serious. I’m telling you I am

[quote=sandbag2;2287470]I know some of u are dying to mod me. Well fuck u.
I am, serious, I’m asking a genuine question.
some of you can’t tell when I’m serious. I’m telling you I am[/quote]

Teh D3adly Mill, the sandman is fucking serious.


Sandbag I’ll answer your questions by line:

-A significant one
-Not quite, but getting there
-There are none
-This is because there are none

Also, why do you ask?

Stu xD

I would honestly like to see a midget attempt a body triangle.

Or any sort of triangle…

[quote=sandbag2;2287470]I know some of u are dying to mod me. Well fuck u.
I am, serious, I’m asking a genuine question.
some of you can’t tell when I’m serious. I’m telling you I am[/quote]

I will know you are serious when you ask a question or make a statement that has some value outside of your own little world .

A thread on midget MMA is never going to be considered serious unless a midget has started it or the O.P. is going to fight one .

I’d die laughing if the OP’s seeking advice on how to fight midgets.

YouTube- midget mma fight

Watch this while listening to “Cradle of filth-Nemesis”. Lol excuse me ive had a few drinks tonight.

I reckon he has been beaten by a “midgit” and wants to get back at them.

[quote=jesu christo;2287493]YouTube- midget mma fight

Watch this while listening to “Cradle of filth-Nemesis”. Lol excuse me ive had a few drinks tonight.[/quote]

The midget in the long hair looks like Anthony Kiedis in point break lol.

Damn thats good shit…

I went throuh half a crate of bud watching evans v silva

I think that would explain it. Headbutted in the balls.

Is that midget fight taking place in a dog pen?

Actually, I would like to spar with a midgit. I wonder what it’s like? Is it very easy? I’m curious

Even for small people, that ring is just ridiculous lol.

trollshido nao plz!

douche…sandbag, the most famous midget grappler so far is called ’ Bridget the midget’ she’s frm the UK, i think you should be able to find some footage of her on the internet.
sometimes she takes on two guys at once!

Not within my limited power … sorry .