I heard some dude named Jigoro Kano promoted himself to 10th dan. He didn’t even get that rank from an established teacher or anything, and he claimed to found some martial art that promotes itself as the “gentle way” where minimal force is supposed to be better than brute force. I heard it’s derived from a bunch of other arts that this guy studied. THat’s so gay, you guys should expose him as a fraud.
Does he admit to your concern?
I even heard that some student of this guy taught this skinny dude in south america for a few years, then this guy assembled what he learned with a bunch of stuff he made up and had the chutpah to start handing out ranks of his own. I heard this south american guy even says that his style is designed to help smaller people beat up big people, that’s so absurd, everyone knows that size matters.
So whats the problem? What is your concern. ARe you saying you feel he does not have a long history of training. Are you upset that YOU claim he self promoted hmself.
I think he’s saying that the proof may be in the pudding. I think he’s agreeing with Jamoke.
I’m with Jenfucius! Piss weak martial artists!!!
With all the crud of what’s a real MA or whose is the real deal, we tend to forget that MA’s that survive the test of time is enough to respect their beginnings. If judo was crap, or BJJ, it would have dwindled to very little in time.
Do we sometimes use our martial art to validate ourselves, or simply enjoy it for what it is? It’s almost like the “I’m a winner because I support the winning team” bullcrap.
Trying to make out like they’re something because of the martial art school they’re affliated to!!! Wankers!!!
he self promoted hmself.
Self-kill yourself!
I agree with Jenfucius! What kind of garbage is that? These guys think that they can just promote themselves to Grand Mastery?! Who gives a fuck how well they perform against other people? Actual competition against actual human beings is overrated as a measure of skill anyway!
What really matters is whether you got your rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone who got their rank from someone…
You don’t want to know how many lines I typed before I realized I could copy and paste it.
Yes I do.
Heh heh…this is more like it, Jen.
That Kano guy sounds a right fraud. I bet he types ‘LOL’ loads of times in his posts, too.
You two need to be shot.
For drawing up such and old post, or not getting the original joke?
Bugger. Didn’t look at the dates.
Damn that tricksy Wing Chun!