Secret Margarita Recipe

Guys and girls.

This site has been giving me migraines lately. There’s only so many genocide jokes I can take.
You guys are tougher so good luck. Also, I’ve somehow became collateral damage of the JFS drama, that made me reconsider my priorities.
I’ll try to keep track of “the-event-formerly-known-as-Maryland-Throwdown” here, but it’d be good if those that are left here from the previously quite vibrant Maryland group kept me posted at (or anyone who happens to be in the area and is down for a roll for that matter).

I modified my profile to “dead” to reflect its deadness.

My hormones are acting up, it must be the sex operation I’m undergoing.


Where’s the memo?

what a shame… i actually enjoyed his comments… ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

I like how your style turned to kung fu. It’s like kung fu doesn’t just cause a persecution complex, but the complex attracts kung fu.

Don’t worry. If you haven’t been already you’ll, be contacted shortly by someone representing a group of rejects run off this site like Djimbe, Tigerfly, and others.

No Phil, I’ll go join Ronin. You know how I don’t like black people…

I’ve seen this problem before. It can be cured by putting bagua mirrors up to protect your windows and doors.

Actually this may come as a pleasant surprise but science has recently discovered that black people are actually 100% human.

I thought you guys will appreciate this information.


Why don’t you like black people, DB?

So where’s the margarita recipe?!? Don’t fucking tease a drunk like that!!!

Mirthless Margarita

                                                                        1                                                                                                                        cup                                peeled chopped sour grapes                                                                                                                                                         2 1/2                                                                                                                        cups                                          [b]           ice cubes[/b]                                                                                                                                                         6                                                                                      cups [b]gold tequila[/b]                                                                                                                                                         6                                                                                                                        tablespoons                                          [b]               <a href="">           powdered sugar</a>[/b]                                                                                                                                                         3                                                                                                                        tablespoons                                          [b]               <a href="">           triple sec</a>[/b]                                                                                                                                                         2                                                                                                                        tablespoons                                          [b]               <a href="">           fresh lime juice</a>[/b]  

stir sullenly and drink it alone.



In a margarita?!?

My sick attempts at making drummerboy laugh will probably backfire.

To offset the sour grapes, HELLO!

You forgot the key ingredient: tears. :crybaby2:

I am so misunderstood.

What’s funny is, I was going to put that in but forgot during the process of writing…

Fucking ADD.

Sorry…I didn’t mean to offend you…please don’t cry…

Waitaminute…there’s no tequila in your recipe either!