Scientist discover: Football makes you stupid


[I]"Habitually heading soccer balls may have similar effects on the brain as the repetitive sub-concussive hits that offensive and defensive linemen receive banging heads along the line of scrimmage in football.
When you actually spend some time thinking about it, sticking your head in front of a hard flying orb – one that can come at you at speeds upwards of 50mph – doesn’t make much sense.

“Long-term (brain) damage may have less to do with the number of diagnosed concussions and perhaps more to do with the number of sub-concussive impacts to the head,” according to Kevin Guskiewicz, a brain researcher at the University of North Carolina.
To that point, the mound of research highlighting the dangers of soccer in general, and heading in particular, is growing larger."[/I]

Who will protect our children from brain damage!11!?

"hey found changes in the white matter of soccer players’ brains that weren’t there in the brains of swimmers.Another study, this one conducted at Humboldt State University in California, revealed that soccer players who headed the ball the most during a game did worse on cognitive tests after the game than their peers who hadn’t headed a ball. Moreover, the players that did the most heading also suffered more often from headaches and episodes of dizziness compared to players that headed the ball less often."

[QUOTE=doofaloofa;2795588]Did you play much soccer as a child Rurik?[/QUOTE]

Of course comrade!

Plenty of fotball, street fights, alcohol, poisoned food, rat stabbing, accidents etc

what ? do you think I’m some kind of first world sheltered dude?

[QUOTE=doofaloofa;2795590]Count me in for the rat stabbing[/QUOTE]

Ok but you will have to provide your own fork! I’m not fucking rich!