WC guy: “Wing Chun really does work, but only in my school. Secret footwork! Everyone else SUCKS”
WT guy: “Wing Tsun really does work, but only in my school. Power Generation! Everyone else SUCKS”
VT guy: “Ving Tsun really does work, but only in my school. Lineage! Yip Man! Everyone else SUCKS”
MMA guy1: “If it don’t work in the UFC, it won’t work in real life for shit. BJJ gives me a chubby”
MMA guy2: “Grappling would work even if i was outnumbered, or on hard concrete. GROUND AND POUND”
MMA guy3: “Yeah, NHB is still real as can be. Despite the focus mits and rules, and referee…”
JKD guy1: “What happened to ‘the way of no way? Jeet Kune Do Concepts!! Free yourself’”
JKD guy2: “WTF? Bruce didn’t ACTUALLY teach JKD, and he was the ONLY one who knew it’s true meaning”
JKD guy2: “Isn’t Jeet Kune Do the stuff he does in the movies? You know, the Chuck Noris one?”
MT guy: “Some boxers went over to Thailand, and got their asses kicked. Obviously MT rulez.”
MT guy: “Some kung fu guys went to Thailand, and got their asses kicked. MT can beat EVERYTHING”
MT guy: “We have the most badass training regimine of ANY martial art. Doesn’t that make us badass?”
TKD guy: “Why not throw one powerful 720 degree spinning kick to his temple instead?”
TKD guy: “After 12 years of TKD, I’ve had an eye opening experience…got ass kicked, saw other MA, ect”
TKD guy: “Why is nobody talking to me?”
Homosexual guy: “I like cocks in my butt and I have a silly lisp!”
White guy: “Hey, look! I’m oppressing other races! I’m white!”
VTPablo: “I’m trying so hard to be funny and failed to see that this thread has been done before – only with more effectiveness!”
Me: “This thread is fucking retarded!”
Come on. I meant for this to be a multi-person project, where everyone can throw in some. Jesus. I was just trying to start it ya ass.
Stupid n00bs: Let’s make fun of easy targets and attempt to frame it in a new creative way.
Everyone else: It still sucks.
Wow. I didn’t know it would be so offensive. Isn’t a good portion of this website the same bashing and arguments repeated over and over again? Nice H. L. Mencken quote though.
Wow, the phenomenal debut of VTPablo, not only have you rehashed old tired jokes from 5 years ago, you’ve attempted to assert yourself with the dominance of an old vet and attempted to insult some of this forum’s most respected posters.
It’s repetitive mostly due to stupid n00bs like you rehashing the same old shit.
owned repeatedly…
Then I deeply appologize for being a “stupid nOOb” yet not realizing the post was five years old. I’ll wait till I have several hundred posts under my belt, since that’s what obviously sets everyone worth listening too apart. Then maybe you won’t get so pissed?
That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.
VTPablo is still around?
Get off my board, bitch.
Forgive me then. This is the FIRST time I’ve ever bothered joining one of these forums, and I might not know “the ropes.” I will make quiet, unbiased comments from now on.
Change your user name. That’s all I ask.
I haven’t actually ever even read a single thing you’ve said, just because I hate you.
You very well may be a highly intelligent, humorous witty and otherwise worthwhile poster. But your username precludes me from paying attention to you.
So until that changes, you will be a brainless, worthless PMSing piece of rat shit to me.
And trust me, you want to be on my good side.
Welcome to Bullshido faggot.
You and Antagony are some of this forum’s most respected posters?
“Dominance of an old vet”? Jesus man, listen to yourself. This website is supposed to be for discussion and throwdowns, not establishing some online mcdojo ranking system. Do you really think I care how many posts you have?
I wasn’t referring to myself or Antagony.
I don’t really give a crap what you think.
I do care when stupid n00bs come on here, try to impress everyone with some stupid shit in their first post and then get all butt-hurt when no-one cares what they think and tells them so.
Did you get butt-hurt alot when you were a stupid n00b? Seriously though, you need to relax man if something as trivial as that pisses you off.
I got flamed a lot (two words) when I was a stupid n00b, but I didn’t get butt-hurt about it. I took my lumps, stuck around, learned some things and earned a little respect.
And you haven’t seen me pissed off.
I want you two to shake hands like gentlemen and get together to take the piss out of something easy like aikido and hakamas, you’ll both feel better for it.
Alternatively, I want at least a 10 page flamefest in the throwdown section with particular attention to provocative language, arguments over meeting dates, transport and venues finishing with some strangely mature and sensible posts. (on my desk by tomorrow morning!)