'Satanic' ninja Schoolkids? Its more likely than you think


Apparently he was also obsessed with ninjas. This is mildly annoying in that I can now not go out in my band T-shirts without getting weird looks. At least the kid he killed was white, the godawful mess this would’ve turned into otherwise is just scary.

Will this trigger a backlash more against Ninjas then Death Metal?
Are regulations in place prohibiting MA weapons?

The article ends sounding like andvertisment and album release review for a band.

At least the kid he killed was white, the godawful mess this would’ve turned into otherwise is just scary.

Ya…Machette and Knob Kerries vs Ninja swords. Don’t want to be near that.

Well this seems to be triggering a massive backlash against EVERYTHING and everyone. As far as I know its theoretically illegal to carry martial arts weapons in public, but its not really enforced, you can buy cheap swords/nunchucks/tazers at flea markets all over.
I myself have seen or bought the following from south african flea markets:

Cheap display katana
Aluminium Nunchaku
Various knives
Sword cane
Blowgun (remarkably powerful within 60-100m)
Tonfa/police baton
Throwing knives
Expanding baton

The tazers especially worry me, because there’s no real control on who’s allowed to buy them.

The article ends sounding like andvertisment and album release review for a band.

I noticed this too, I think they were trying to seem like they did some research (and then spoiled it by citing wikipedia)

Ya…Machette and Knob Kerries vs Ninja swords. Don’t want to be near that.

I have a kettie and some sharp stones, I’ll be fine :stuck_out_tongue:

(note: I started this thread earlier from my mobile browser, pasting the text of the article now in an effort to comply with Phrost’s warning about content)


just think this one you can smuggle like so many you can suggle aboard a plane

I’ll stick to my steel tipped safety boots thanks.

Ag that’s so sad man. Funny how quick they were to blame the music instead of drugs which were probably cut with all sorts of crazy shit and possible mental instability that was there already.

anyone who carries/owns a martial art weapon rather than a gun, a pocket knife, or their mitts is a pussy.

It’s even funnier that you blame the drugs at all. How about blaming the guy that killed the kid?

What’s dagga? The drug was mentioned in the article but I never heard of it before.

Blaming the guy leads to pseudo-analyzing his mental health by hippie douches, which leads to all sorts of speculations; such as blaming videogames.

And nobody likes that, asshole.

Dagga = weed = marijuana, Katje has a point that the shit that’s available to schoolkids is often cut with all kinds of dodgy shit, and with both of my parents being teachers I’ve personally seen it produce some really bad hallucinations and allergic reactions.

I certainly don’t think the drugs are to blame, but I do think they helped push the kid over the edge by lowering his inhibitions and distorting his sense of reality.

The armchair analysis has already started, they’re blaming music, movies and satanism.

I find it interesting that they immediately associate the black facepaint and balaclava with Slipknot instead of ninjas, despite the fact that he used a fucking sword. Sounds like they’re really reaching on this one.

The reports are conflicting, but he seems to have at least owned a slipknot mask (as part of a collection of masks he made), and he may have been wearing a slipknot tshirt.

He also apparently said that satan told him to do it, which could be either an outright media lie, or advice from his lawyer, as seen in our cricket captain’s defense a few years ago: “Mr Cronje, did you take a bribe in exchange for throwing the match?” Hansie Cronje: “The devil made me do it :(”

Crazy is crazy. Manson listened to the Beatles.

Hehe, preaching to the choir bro. Awesome way of putting it, I’m going to use that on the next tard who whines about my evil satanic taste in music.

If anything, one’s taste in music is a reflection of the character they already have. My brother, for example, listens to depressing emo and goth shit all the time, but it didn’t make him that way.

Damm and all that time I drove about Glasgow with a hanbo (and my mitts they are not detachable here) in the car, I was being a pussy. I should have risked jail to carry a knife. Stop being a dickhead.

Ahhh…good old Scottish greeting.

fucking heartwarming, I love it.

I’m not scottish but I respect them a lot, for lack of a better word, I feel like my heritage can’t keep up with them.