I have an interest in self-defense and find it curious why many TKD self-defence trainings you find on the internet teach the defender to not hit the opponent, even if they are armed. Is this some sort of no-touch technique?
Please keep on topic, you are just derailing every thread in this section.
You can’t sleaze your way out. I’m Chaotic Good, the worst enemy of Lawful Evil. Stop dodging.
no it’s that whole training method they used before this aliveness thing. i forget what it was called.
“Unrealistic” maybe?
Yea mav I see your point bud… but come on.
You are such a Douchbag!:violent5:
Hey, Der, Can we ban KC from the KMA forum until he answers Mav’s question, and quits being a Fucktard.
No, you really don’t.
wanna help a brotha out? or is he trolling?