sandbag2: master of low content threads

I have grappled big guys who have 6 years of wrestling. And some are kind of easy because they have weak necks. A strong grappler with a weak neck, is like a boxer with a glass jaw. He won’t last.
When I’m sizing someone up, I always check the neck firts. If the neck looks weak, I plan on having an easy graple. It’s easy to push their heads down, thus gaining access ti their backs.
Even in MT you can push the head down where you can land knees.

I must add that most wrestlers have strong necks. But in BJJ, the neck goes through allot more punishment

Is there such a thing as a karate grappling tournament?

I heard that there where these weird kinds of grappling.
like a karate grappling challenge. Would live to watch one.

This post concerns a whiny message sandbag2 left me on my profile.

sandbag2, how are these posts good technical advice? How are they even remotely technical at all? You made a few vague comments about controlling the neck. That’s nice, but that doesn’t mean they have anything to do with technique. You seem to be confused about this, so I will give you an example of a post containing technical information.

Now quit whining. It’s pathetic.

I am applying the same rules to you that I do to everyone else, including myself. You are either not smart enough, or not experienced enough to know the difference between posts that contains useful technical information and ones that are merely general comments, like the ones you made above.

Aliright I think I get it now.

After reading the example, I can see where my posts fell short of greatness.
I won’t post on the technique board anymore. At least until, I can come up with some technique, and I have not invented any worth mentioning.
Where would I post the advice stuff?
I won’t wine anymore, because I don’t want to be like a sissy.
Martial artists should not wine anyway.

Come back in ten years an we’ll let you know.

If you want to contribute to, or start a technical thread, stick to the Basic Technique forum. Posting requirements are more lenient in there.

Since you seem to be reasonable, I will do my best to help you out. I’m all about reciprocity.

Alright, thanks. By the way, your example about takedowns actually helped me.

You like the adams apple dont cha, good for you buddy, the world should be more accepting like Thailand eh?