Sammy Franco's "Open Challenge"

It’s the same type of contract that Ashida Kim has. Meant for one thing, to keep people from challengeing him.


Originally posted by Te No Kage!
Why is he poking George Carlin in the eye? that’s just mean!

Heh, heh.:smiley:

Internet experts", “sport challengers”, “arm chair theoreticians” and “wanna be warriors” He hit the nail right on the head and most are on this thread & forum. As what I read& hear only a small% of ppl on here know what there talking about.

Originally posted by Te No Kage!
Nice try, assclown! LOL You’re just one of those trolls from Ashida Kim’s board. No matter how many IPs or aliases you use, you’ll always be outed! LOL Stop being such a punk baby and go back to your fantasy board! Loser! LOL You’ll never understand what we do because you’re just a teenager with no real experience! LOL Why don’t you burn in Hell and stop talking about us! LOL See you think I’m angry but I’m really not. I’m amused. LOL Can’t you see how much I’m laughing. LOL You suck troll! No matter how much you try to argue with us you’ll always be a charlatan! LOL You can’t even exist without Bullshido, can you? That’s why you can’t stay away from here! LOL LOL LOL

Your’e as gay as that icon, is that your’e pic cubby cheeks tell me do you play with your man breasts fat boy you look gay in that gee .lol No really nice pic ! :rolleyes: If you read this tread you all sound like a bunch of jealous A -holes! No matter how much you try to argue with us you’ll always be a right is more like it sounds like I hit sore spot!:smiley:

puss-boy! LOL OK, pilsberry dough boy you should wear a chefs hat not a gi. what a numb nut!

Strong Machine . . . post more damnit . . . you know so much but post like once every month.

This stuff reminds me of the SCARS website -> “NO JOKE”, “THIS IS REAL COMBAT” etc . . .

If he’s trying to make a point about realism, then is it really fair for him to expect for the fight to take place at a predetermined time and place?

Boyd, I’m working on a poem. Can you help me think of a rhyme for “inappropriate”?

The challenge rules he penned, (a lawyer wouldn’t have wrote it) are balony. If in reality someone showed up and he shot them when he had no need to, no waiver would save him. Actually it would establish Sammy’s intent to kill up front, and his criminal defense lawyer would be screaming in agony.

Geez…I always thought some of Franco’s stuff that I read online was pretty decent…but he’s a serious douchebag.

Has anyone actually trained with him? I’ll admit, he does look fit, at least. But that “challenge” is very, very lame.


Hmmm, I don’t think so.

Key differences between me and Anthony… Anthony = rich, Me = poor

Key differences between Franco and Ashida… Franco = threatens to SHOOT the challenger!?! Ashida… Well, you get the picture.


JKDchick and Chris,

It’ll never happen. He’ll never come here. You see, he doesn’t control this forum. He can’t delete people and lock threads. He wouldn’t be in control. He’d have to actually debate people with only his ideas, reasoning and logic. So, he knows he’d lose that debate and end up looking bad. Why would he risk that? Instead, he’ll just stay on his own forum where he can manipulate the situation to make himself look superior.

And, BTW, for the record… I am NOT one of the people currently trolling his forum.


Asia, That is typical of most people in RBSD. They are generally unwilling to debate, but when they do, they will do so only on their terms and on their territory.



Actually, I never was banned on any of my adventures on other forums. I have had threads locked and deleted, though. I also self-banned myself from a site because a guy started making what I considered to be veiled threats about me getting shot! :rolleyes:


Oh yeah! I forgot about Kim. I DID get banned form his forum. It was such a short, two post thing, I completely fogot about it. Heh.


Just to keep everyone posted, I’m trying to do a little Sam Browning style research into some of his claims on the “Meet Sammy” page. No results yet. In fact, for some of the stuff he claims, I’m going to have to use snail mail to check on. I’ve even recruited a real LEO instructor to help a bit.

And BTW, I just love how I’m out doing all this grunt work and Strong Machine comes in here, posts one rant and gets all the props!!! This is the stuff out of which super-villains are formed! :wink:


Time for an activity forum?

I’d be up for it.


He’s completely pulled an Ashida Kim over there. ALL POSTS are now moderated. Your posts won’t even show up unless they are first approved. Most if not all dissenting posts have been deleted.

Franco’s forum = fantasyland

Also, I love how the guy who is having pretend coversations with himself over there posts about it and acts like it’s no big deal and it shouldn’t affect his credibility. I mean the guy is carrying on PRETEND conversations with himself on an internet bulletin board! LOL. Yeah, but don’t worry, he’s really a well balanced individual. :rolleyes:

I also love how Franco posts a picture of Mahoney and mocks his fighting ability, but IS AFRAID TO FACE HIM! LOL. Man, how deluded do his supporters have to be to NOT see the blatant hypocrisy in that?

Ah well. Good for a laugh, anyway.
