Hey listen im in town for a few days to kill and Dale lives right down the motherfucking street from me and I have no problem taking him on or pretty much anyone here in the Boston area name a gym and the rules or whatever you want!
Hey listen im in town for a few days to kill and Dale lives right down the motherfucking street from me and I have no problem taking him on or pretty much anyone here in the Boston area name a gym and the rules or whatever you want!
Would you believe Commander Coal happens to be in the spot light again as well ?
Weird how things work .
I’m going to enjoy this no matter how it ends… if it ever starts.
Who that sorry sob! damn…whatever im ready to get it on NOW Dale claims to be 6’3 badass I DONT THINK SO!!! at his height and weight im givin tons away! Seriously i love Sam and the best way to get his respect is kickin some…BTW DALE if your reading this i have total respect toward you as a fighter…im just bored in the gulf is all …but anyway shit maybe i can travel up to Boston jj tommorow although actually i really want to get drunk!
Dale call me and lets give these dudes somethin to watch…i still have the same phone#
Are you suggesting a throwdown? In boston?
Sign me up.
This is not the forum for calling people out. Hell, we don’t have a forum for calling people out, but if we did, the Bullshido forum sure as fuck wouldn’t be it.
northern folks have all the fun…
This wasn’t a throwdown initiation?
whatever Dales somewhat of a friend of mine that doesnt mean we cant fight shit im stuck in a motherfucking concrete jungle IRAQ so it’s all good…not tryin to troll sorry frost Dale has my phone # id love to hook up with him this weekend! But yea id prob sub his dirty ass out RIGHT DALE muhahahhaha
You’re welcome to stop by, you whiny little excuse for a human.
I actually do not have your phone number. Cleaned out my PM tray a while back and deleted Mucho Crapo.
Give me a call at 617-595-8097
Hmm, okay Jay whats going on? Why is the Army flying you home from Iraq every month?
Since the challengee gets to set the rules here they are.
Mutually agreed upon time in June, 2006 in New Haven Connecticut. Location I’m working on it.
A) Form of combat. Three round boxing match, each round is two minutes. 14 ounce gloves. Win by TKO, or Knockout with a standard 10 count. Alternately a person loses if they are knocked to the ground by an opponant’s punch four times during the match.
Other conditions: Since you are putting me to this trouble, I want your real name, the name of the Machado Black Belt who awarded your brown belt, and the date, and location. Provide the information immediately upon your acceptance of these terms.
Take it or leave it
I have no idea why Jay is doing this. It is rather strange as I have not heard from him since he went over and even then it was mostly in PM.
Hopefully he wont show up at my house at 3AM, that would suck to beat his ass in the street that early in the AM.