12 june 2007
finally arrested Igor Vaclavic , 31 years old , he terrorized the countryside between Ferrara and Rovigo performing armed robbery dressed like a ninja .
Russian ‘ninja’ arrested in Italy
Christian Fraser
BBC News, Rome
[B] Italian police have arrested a Russian "ninja" who had been spreading fear across farmlands in the north of the country.
[/B] The man, camouflaged in an all black suit, had robbed several farmers and their families at knife point, police say.
Police had been searching for him for several weeks.
Ninjas were trained for stealth. They first appeared in 14th Century Japan and were famed as assassins and spies.
[B] Outwitted
For several weeks the police had been scouring the countryside looking for shadows.
The “ninja” was known to have struck several times - his head wrapped in a black bandana, a powerful bow in one hand and a knife strapped to his leg.
He targeted isolated farms late at night forcing farmers to hand over cash and valuables at arrow point.
His victims were usually so afraid they didn’t report the attacks until some days later.
But on Monday night the “ninja” was outwitted.
As he smashed through the door of a farmhouse, a feisty old pensioner was waiting for him.
[B] Former soldier
The old man came down the stairs but tripped on the last step letting off his rifle.
Startled, the “ninja” made his escape, hopping onto a bicycle and racing off into the nearby cornfields - followed by police who were quickly on the scene.
Police eventually trailed him to an abandoned farmhouse where he was arrested.
He was later identified as Igor Vaclavic, a former soldier from the Russian army.
He was caught carrying night scopes and a head torch.
When asked about his chosen disguise, he told police he had been inspired by his boyhood idol - Robin Hood.
[I]"Italian police have arrested a Russian “ninja” who had been spreading fear across farmlands in the north of the country.
The man, camouflaged in an all black suit, had robbed several farmers and their families at knife point, police say.
Police had been searching for him for several weeks.
Ninjas were trained for stealth. They first appeared in 14th Century Japan and were famed as assassins and spies. "[/I]
Obviously this guy dosn’t have “T3H RE4L N1Nj1TSU!!!” or he wouldn’t have been caught. He obviously used a shadow clone as a decoy while he made good his escape. Tricksy ninja.
This moron robbed old folks using a bow and a knife; he was threating one when his septuagenarian brother came to rescue with a double barrel shotgun: the old man stubled and accidentally fired the gun, scaring the shit off the ninjer who ran away. He was found by the police while hiding in the bushes.
Damn! Maybe we can use this to pit RBSD crowd against ninjers? If we play our cards right we will see Dillman writing books on defence against ninja-hobos!
This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day. A ninja goes around stealing from farmers, then he runs in fear, slips on his own glass, and then can’t even do a good job hiding from the police.