Royal Dragon and Tsuruken Silliness

Royal Dragon: Video Master?:

Here is a emaial received regarding Royal Dragon and his so-called “connection” to Edgar Livingston:

I hope you, your family and students are in good health.
Gian was a student of mine years ago and only made it to beginner level of Tai Tzu Chang Chuan after that he continued his training elsewhere, he says through videos. Gian had only one weekend of personal training from me.

Jamie studied through video on the internal and external of Tai Tzu, until he broke it off. He told me that he left me for a Zhao Family master in Taiwan and that he has his own lineage. Jamie got to intermediate to beginning advance level from me. I was invited to come to Australia by Jamie, but he broke it off at the last minute. Jamie has never trained under me in person.

I do not teach White Crane, I know Seven Star Praying Mantis, Old Yang & Old Chen Tai Chi, Tai Tzu Chang Chuan (Northern, Southern and Internal, Southern Mantis and Pa Qua.

My web page is
Jamie has told me that he does other styles, but I do not have any documentation of this and he was only interested in Tai Tzu only from me.

I hope this answers some of your questions, feel free to contact me if you need any more information.

Have a great day.

Grandmaster Edgar Livingston

And here’s a post he made on E-Budo:

I have been doing a video Couraspondance course in Tai Tzu Chang Chuan. It’s a rare family Kung Fu system developed by the Emperor that founded the Chinese Sung Dynasty, consisting of several small styles (6-12 empty hand forms each). I realy love the art, and I would love to really get into it, but right now all I can do is work the forms. Why you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s because I CAN’T find any quality, knowledgeable training partners to work the system with. Without this, there is really no hope of “Getting” it.

The course I am on requires me to fly to Baltimore and train under the Master periodically. I think this is very important, as without coaching, it is very difficult to get the propper flow and mechanics.

In the mean time, i’m rolling with a small underground Shui Chiao group here in the South West Burbs of Chicago. What I do is memorise a few techniques out of the Tai tzu sets, and drill them in the air at home in my spare time. Then, I work them into my Shui Chiao practice when we are allowed to experiment. This at least give me an idea of working the skills from time to time.

If you want to do the video couraspondance course thing right, you NEED good training partners in a dedicated study group at the very least. They should be guys with at least as much experiance as you, and preferably more.

Then, you really do need to be able to jump on a plane and visit the master providing the course, and train live a couple of times a year at least (I’m way over due to be honest)

Anyway, that’s my two cents,

Gian Lencioni

Noter the horrendous spelling and grammar.

My question without malice … Is Royal Dragon a Video Master???

Royal Dragon’s Stances: An Overview

Here’s a thread in which Royal Dragion postwed some public, non-copyright images of himself in various stances:

The Horse Stance (Ma Bu): Your spine is curved restricting the opening of the Central Nervous System. Your ass is sticking out like its waiting for an invitation and is not aligned with your heels thus meaning that your sense of balance is compromised … this is a Shi or excess that needs to be corrected. It should be rolled forward and tucked in. Your toes are not aligned with the knees once again compromising balance (a major component of any martial art) and the knees are clearly projected outward … a big no, no!. With regard to your arms, the elbows are not tucked in but are rather sticking out suggesting a strong lack of muscular-skeletal alignment and usage of the triceps in the generation of power. It also means that the Ulna and Radius are crossed over exposing the biceps brachii and the brachioradialis muscle to vulnerability. Your thumb appears to also being sticking out, a further vulnerability. your jaw mandible is pushed forward and open exposing the Ren Mai Vessel points to attack. There are a great deal of Xu (deficiencies) evident.

The Back Leaning Stance Guy Ma / Kai Kung Ma: Firstly the front foot in not planted on the ground but is sticking up like a sore thumb! Your head is not aligned with the Dan Tien or the Ren Mai but bent forward thus lessening the Body-Energy-Meridian-Alignment essential to a good stance and basic posture! The same is true of your hips (the centre of one’s power in ALL martial arts).

As clearly stated the lead foot sticks up like a sore thumb and is not connected to the ground thus contributing to a serious loss of balance essential to all arts this is a basic aspect of the arts and a mistake made by the most basic of student! The arms are not aligned. The rear arm should be extended in line with the deltoid To not do so lessens the energy alignment. The head and spine are not aligned with the Dan Tien, Ren Mai and Du Mai again lessening the Body-Energy-Meridian-Alignment so basic to all the arts.

The Empty Stance Diao Ma: The lead hand and elbow are misaligned thus causing a deficiency in the protection of the Ren Mai and a lack of Body-Energy-Meridian-Alignment. The Elbow should be in further to protect the Ren Mai and should align with the lead hip, knee and foot which is definitely not happening ion this case! The Wu Sao is held too low and the elbow again is mis-aligned with the centre (the seat of power) of the body. The stance looks awkward from a balance perspective.

The Cross Stance Lao Jiao Bu: Oh Man, where to start! The lead knee is oput and not resting into the back of the rear knee thus compromising balance. the weight is not evenly distributed or centred. the lead foot is only just connected to the ground furtther compromising good balance. The hips are turned too far to the rear and the head and Ren Mai and Dan Tien are mis-aligned as are the arms with the rear arm lower than that of the lead. Again, a poor example of the basics!

I wouldn’t call him a video Master yet. From what it seems he is trying to learn some if this style for video. Not the best way but as long as he not claiming to TEACH or represent the style in another capacity that would be BULLSHIDO.

Didn’t we already go through this in this thread - ?

Yea, tsuruken has a real hard on for royaldragon. Jeeze man did you really need to start two posts on the same subject? Their is already one thread dedicated to this.

You really need to move on unless you have something new to offer. Be like every other red blooded American and obsess over a girl :pity:

Go away. Haven’t you copped enough from this forum?


The onlything gheyer than thinking stances have anything to do with being an effective fighter is critising someone elses stances.

Nobody cares

Which thread was it where tsuruken was thoroughly, humiliatingly owned for having pathetic postures.

He actually linked to it. :5oops:

This is just rehashing old drama bs.

So, ya.

Since when was Bullshido a forum for Bullshido to call out Bullshido?



I am really sorry, but this just isn’t going to work. It’s not you, it’s me. I have needs, real needs. I just wasn’t getting them from our relationship and I just have to move on.

try not to be hurt, or cry. I really did like you, but there is just something about the female geneder that is so much more appealing then what We had.

If you try and see others, you soon will forget about me. In fact, I bet there is a skinny young White Crane wating for you right around the corner!!!

Best of luck!! I wish you well!!


Yeah tsuruken, like you didn’t cop all your ghey mannerisms from michael jackson videos.

You are a giant blubbering vagina with big meat curtains.