rosetta stone vs fluenz language programs or how to fail at posting on Bullshido

Sorry if this is a repeat post. I posted this morning and when I searched for it this afternoon, I could not find it. I wasn’t sure where to put this question.

In short, I was asking you all if any of you have had extensive experience with either rosetta stone or fluenz?

I have seen some past posts mentioning that they liked rosetta stone. I have read through amazon and have read the good and the bad about both programs., but I wanted to ask a few questions and correspond with people.

Before you spend a dime, check out your local library system. Mine out here has electronic access to Rosetta Stone software for free via their online catalog website.

You couldn’t find it because that’s not what this forum is for.

Do not waste our time again.

i apologize for misunderstanding. For future reference where would be an appropriate place to put a question like this? I did not want to put in the product review section because it did not seem to belong there either.

On a forum devoted to language training…not martial arts…

Well, there are at least 3 other forums that seem to pertain to things other than martial arts, so I did not think I was crossing any lines.

Nonetheless DerAuslander108, I am not trying to be disrespectful and understand if you decide to delete this post again. Once again, sorry for the trouble

Why does everybody think it’s personal?

I think this would qualify as Loot?

It is your scowl as you click the delete link.

Get the fuck over to Sociocide! There is a link to it on every fucking page for fuck sake!