ROK Marines and Tra Binh Dong battle

That was the problem I had with the damn boxers. Never had that problem with my tighty whitties.
Now I have graduated to the new and imporved boxer brief.


Now, this might be BS, but my sales manager was a hard core vietnam vet- i.e. he remembers storming the beach as fondly as the Duvall character in " Apocalypse Now". Anyway, he cliamed tohave witnessed a ROK marine killing an NVA with the three stooges eye poke during an interogation. First he described the technique. I asked " what happened?" - “the guy goraned and screams, then he finally died, about 10 minutes later”. Now, this is a war crime, but still, an amusing story, the way he tells it. Don’t fuck with the ROK- it’s nothing like WTF TKD.

I know this thread has been dead for a few months. I just found some pictures of Korean soldiers in the Vietnam War if you guys are interested.