Schneider is “Big Stan”
POSTED ON 11/04/05 AT 10:30 A.M.
Variety reports that Rob Schneider will make his directorial debut while also starring in “Big Stan.” Josh Lieb wrote the screenplay for the comedy.
Schneider plays a weak con man who hires a martial arts guru when he finds out that he is going to prison. He must transform himself into a kung fu expert so that he can fight off his fellow inmates.
Rob Schneider sucks ass and that is a scientific fact.
him and adam sandler should be shot into the sun for still trying to make unfunny movies.
the funny thing about the stapler comment, is that in this movie he’s still being transformed into something else. a kung fu expert! looks like those boys at south park had him pegged from the get go.
I just saw the title of this thread and put my head in my hands and said "oh good lord… ":disgust:
I remember seeing him on Conan O’Brien a few years back (When “Hot Chick” came out I think). He was SO unfunny. His witty remarks were obviously and painfully set up in advance and he still couldn’t get the right.
I stopped taking kung-fu seriously what with all the sillyness about chi projection, XMA and super duper “old people” who can beat up pro boxers wit their Tai chi. In fact, Most kung fu “masters” are the kind of people who would pick up famous celebrity guys like Rob Schneider and teach that BS to promote their schools.
Wushu/kung fu is pretty much going down the same path as ninjutsu. Remember all the craptacular comedy films based around ninjas/ninjutsu? Surf Ninjas, 3 Ninjas, Beverly Hills Ninja and god knows if there are others we haven’t even heard of.
And what about that one Tim Allen movie, “Joe Somebody” where he tries to learn karate to beat up some guy who embarrased him in front of his daughter?
Sandler was ridiculed when Cartman dressed as AWESOM-O the robot and came up with the following:
Gentlemen, Ladies, we all know that we live in a time of uncertainty. The risk of an attack on American soil is higher than ever. Now, I believe we may be able to curb that risk. Two days ago our intelligence department came across this: [turns around and faces a wall of TV screens. His peers turn to look. He then turns the screens on. Images of AWESOM-O, taken from various angles, pop up] The AWESOM-O 4000. It is currently being used by Catamount Pictures to develop ideas for movies. Our sources say that in just one week it has come up with over one thousand movie ideas, eight hundred of which feature Adam Sandler. [the officers murmur amongst themselves]