Retarded Voodoo Medicine

There seems to be a trend in the martial arts to utilise “western” warm up and training exercises. However these are adapted from sports and how many sports people remain injury free into advanced years. Perhaps it is time for the martial arts to re-capture the health methods which included balancing the physical body, harmonizing the meridians, flushing the organs and integrating the mind?

Great first post. I see you are a ninja! Welcome to bullshido. You’ll do well here.

You’re either being ironic or contradicting yourself. Saying that martial arts use western warmup methods and that those warm up methods keep people healthy into old age means that they work.

However, I think what you’re trying to say is that you believe we should all go back to chi bullshit as the basis of our athletic health. You’re saying this even though you,

  1. Have no evidence that martial artists in the past were more healthy than the martial artists of today.
  2. Aren’t considering the highly competative enviroment that makes the hard training of today necessary and increases injury.
    3)Probably haven’t ever trained hard before, because good “western” style training will provide balanced strength and get your head into your training.
    4)Don’t realize that Colonics, any of the self purification kits, etc, are hippy bullshit.
    5)Aren’t taking into account that many “old school” martial artists trained at least part of the time in ways that may be considered “western,” ie strength training and the like

WTF are western training methods anyway? Do asians have some special way of bulking up by fasting on mountain tops?

OP, You are an idiot.

Ok, I’ll bite… just for a while before I dump this thread.

Masahiko Kimura, one of the greatest martial artists in modern history, utilized what you called western methods of physical training. That tells you something.

The fact that sportmen have injuries it’s because sports involve physical damage. Combat sports, martial arts, they involve physical contact, which can (and will) lead to physical injury. It is here that effective methods of warming up, stretching and training that lead to a reduction (and treatment) of inevitable injures.

What type of background (education) do you have to make that type of statement.

What does it mean by harmonizing the meridians?

What does it mean by balancing the physical body?

What does it mean by flushing the organs?

What does it mean by integrating the minds?

How does all that help in reducing the physical injuries that are inevitable (and rightfully expected) in the training of martial arts?

Yea I want to know how to flush my organs. They are getting in the way of important stuff like digestion and breathing.

Oh and how to integrate my mind because I never think or use it while I am perfor;lskdfhfoasdihfg fsoiuvhsdfohfrfv oops sorry my integration link failed for a second.

I know how to flush a few of my organs. I try to flush one of them everyday. The other doesn’t flush when I want it to, but I am eating more fiber now.

or MAYBE, the intelligent thing would be to combine methods (if you want to use eastern medicine at all)

like my sifu, who is an acupuncturist, yet also told me to supplement my diet with whey protein, gave me physical therapy exercises, and suggested x-ray and MRI for further diagnosis of my injuries.

he’s also a big proponent of weight training, medicine ball work, and other “modern” “sports” methods (although it’s hard to get more traditional than a medicine ball, that has been around since the greeks!)

I much prefer differentiating the mind and letting my organs lie stagnant

I’m going to go flush my organs,

with some good Western Beer.

Now thats good medicine

Nothing beats Psyllium Husk for organ flushing:

NSFW - oh, and don’t eat while you read it.

Guys, I just renamed this thread with a more appropriate title. Please shit over it cuz I’m going to close it later.

I’m also making an sticky out of it. The OP just gave the perfect example of the type of hippie, new-age, organ-alignment pseudo-spiritual med-crap that goes hand in hand with astrology and shit.

You should put a NSFW tag on that one. That thread is gross.

You wimp!

It looks like noodles, but knowing it came outa Anna’s butt, makes it all the better.

Sir, that’s one twisted fetish.

I don’t know guys - I really appreciate my husbands shiatsu massage techniques when we get busy harmonizing our meridians…

No video? Didn’t happen

We’ve got two kids, and they weren’t immaculate fuckin’ conception!

That doesn’t mean you and he did anything together. Just means you were doing something.

i’m mostly interested in grip strength as far as being able to keep a grip on a gi, but some of the phone book ripping and shit is cool i guess. i’m wondering if it would be possible if i trained some of that shit to rip my opponent’s gi. like a reverse hulk up.