Reported Post by dan.peterson

dan.peterson has reported a post.


I felt offended by this user.

Post: Injury Advice
Forum: Physical Training, Diet, and Health Forum
Assigned Moderators: PizDoff, TaeBo_Master, Emevas, jnp

Posted by: ChenPengFi
Original Content:

[QUOTE=dan.peterson;2914719]Hey pos26,
whoever tells you “you ought to quit” has crap in their head, they have already quit, so not to feel less worthy they tell others to quit.

There’s this story of a soldier who repeatedly parachuted, his knees got severely injured, his whole body was like an old van and totally useless, he was now in a wheel chair. All doctors told him he was not going to walk ever again. He put on weight, overweight, his body was a mess. Now he can run (probably faster than you and me), he can do some pretty tough yoga postures, handstands, whatnot. See if you can google that, the story is quite motivating.

So no, don’t quit, keep talking to specialists. But BE SMART, your body is not for ever, it wears and tears, and much more if you don’t use it properly, but if you train smarter you can make it last more. You are too young, and you have a lot to go, and learn, and improve. You can get in the best shape of your life. How in shape is this doctor? How’s his life? Don’t take advice from anyone just because they have a piece of paper that says “Doctor”.

Do you have a learning disability?[/quote]