Not everything is grappling dude. And don’t be so condescending :sleepy4:
Not taking any sides, but I’m just drawing some logical conclusions here…
As scrapper pointed out, AJJ is striking + grappling unlike BJJ which is for all practical purposes a 99.99% grappling art. If there were a freestyle jiujitsu competition that agressively advocates striking with grappling, could we assume that we would be impressed by the performance BJJ schools would give in such an event?
Not saying that one is better than the other, but one cannot deduct anything about the quality of a freestyle jiujitsu school by only looking at it from a no-gi grappling only event. You could put a freestyle JJ or BJJ figher in a Muay Thai event and tell them to perform according to the nature and regulations of a Muay Thai bout.
They will most likely get their shit beaten, but that would not prove anything. Or you can take Oscar de la Hoya in a judo tournament and restrict him to the expectations of a judo bout. The only thing you can deduct will be Oscar’s inability in Judo, and that’s about it. You cannot deduct anything else about him as a boxer.
I don’t know shit about AJJ, and I’m a BJJ n00b, BUT after reading scrapper’s post, it seems to be that these two are totally different disciplines with different strategies and goals. In a purely grappling contest, most likely BJJ would win on average. So asking about AJJ performance in a grappling-only contest is an oxymoron.
Add striking to a no-gi grappling contest, and who may win? Well, the jury may still be out…
Not everything is grappling, nor can anything be measured by grappling only. That’s akin to say you can stop a shoot with a d31dly strike. Thinking so reminds me of the following saying: to a hammer, everything looks like a nail… or some shit that rhymes along those lines :icon_thum
Where did I say it was? I was curious and asking question. Not condescending at all (though the ninja bit is funny).
Actually much of the time yes (hell I’ve seen this in action at “Sport jujutsu” events). Lots of bjj schools do indeed incorporate striking, though not all (of course as a self-professed bjj noob you’re able to speak for 99.995% of bjj schools).
You would be right, if you weren’t wrong. The reason I asked is two-fold. First, grappling is important to mma in its own rights and by my personal experience most “freestyle” places stemming from tma’s besides judo or wrestling have been pretty mediocre in the grappling area. There are exceptions, of course.
Second, you’re completely wrong because of this comment by Scrapper:
From this it is completely reasonable to ask about their success in no-gi competitions. It is a fair question and if there were competitions around (which apparently there aren’t) it would be a reasonable measure of their grappling skill.
Completely off point of anything I wrote.
Congratulations Captain Obvious. Again if grappling is a major component of their training it is completely reasonable to ask how they shape up at grappling events.
Guess who I’ve seen competing in strictly grappling events?
And that’s just in person. If I had money to make it to an ADCC the list would be even longer. I guess you know more than those guys about the merit of no-gi grappling events though, what with your bjj noob status.
Again, I know nothing about AJJ. That’s why I was asking.
Not being condescending or saying anything about their grappling, just asking based on personal experience.