MA and religion - 2009/10/01 18:25 OK here’s one for you guys…
I don’t know how this is gonna go down but let me give it a shot
I don’t know how many of you think the two (martial arts and religion) are connected, but I first got my inspiration to do MA, or one of the insiparations for me was by reading a book by Wong Kiew Kit on Shaolin kung fu. NOw mr Kit is clearly an authority on the matter, and him as a Buddhist.
Isn’t it true that Shaolin Kung Fu (with its five animal forms; tiger, stalk, monkey, snake and dragon) came from the same temple as the Boddhisatva made his home in China.
Perhaps there are more then a few of you who consider fighting to be devoid of ‘spirit’ and hence obtusely oblique from the realm of god and Buddha. However I am not one of these.
And oh yeah btw Don’t be offended by these ‘hot’ posts I make on this site. I sometimes say things to trigger a response, to ignite conversation if you will.
One last thing I say this with the conviction of a Buddhist AND a Christian, and I’m pretty sure that I can hold my own if any of you want to discuss the authenticity of these cultures.
But when fighting don’t we strive to find that co-ordination and ability inherrent in peace and harmony, which must be what Christianity and Buddhism both seek in their seperate ways.
[quote=ninjaboj;2233286]MA and religion - 2009/10/01 18:25 But when fighting don’t we strive to find that co-ordination and ability inherrent in peace and harmony, which must be what Christianity and Buddhism both seek in their seperate ways.
Fighting, as a word can mean many things but in the context of this forum it usually means two men are trying to physically destroy each other. That shouldn’t sit well with Christian or Buddhist ideologies.
Okay I’m being grossly simplistic but personally I don’t think MA and religion mix at all.
Yeah uni is going well, only gotta go in 2 days a week, and only 1 is the full day at that! HAHA
As for the rest of these ninjas, ok Authenticity,
I goto church, I pray, I sing in the songs and sometimes take communion,
that makes me a communion DICKHEAD
and what was the other comment, oh something about fighting,
Well don’t get me wrong, perhaps in your dojo there is no friendship, no shaking of hands, no smiles, no encouragement if you go wrong, or do well, no solidarity between the new white belts to stick with it, none of that.
Perhaps when you walk down the street you oogle the preetty women (hell I do). Perhaps you say thanks to the buss driver. Perhaps you say hi to the police man. What was I talking about , oh yeah, cocksuckers. I can’t even find a way to link to this so I’ll get straight to the point, which is this is what I think you are.
Yeah mate. You believe what you read in the papers and watch on tv. Hmm perhaps I’ve crossed the line here. Come on COUNTER!!!
listen you prat, in case you hadnt read the post which I started this thread with, that’s what the author WONg kiew kit said in his book on Shaolin Kung FU. Man I so badly want to fuck you up!
I once had a Christian university professor who practiced martial arts.
His Martial Arts philosophy told him “Strike first, strike hard, aim to disable.” His Christianity told him to “turn the other cheek.” I once asked him “How can you reconcile these beliefs?”
He said, “Son, (he was from the deep south) if someone comes up to you and takes a swing at you, turn the other cheek. If they raise their hand to do it again, knock them out!”
One of the problems I see with many modern Christians is this namby-pamby, milk-toast, limp-wristed, ex-hippy, ex-pot-smoker, anti-war, wussy mentality that is literally foreign to the Old Testament, and to the culture from which Christianity came out of. I mean, the Old Testament has King David saying God “trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze” (Ps 18:34) and “Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked.” (Ps 3:7)
Not trying to sound preachy, just saying I have seen some men reconcile the two…
[quote=ninjaboj;2233327]and what was the other comment, oh something about fighting,
Well don’t get me wrong, perhaps in your dojo there is no friendship, no shaking of hands, no smiles, no encouragement if you go wrong, or do well, no solidarity between the new white belts to stick with it, none of that.
Perhaps when you walk down the street you oogle the preetty women (hell I do). Perhaps you say thanks to the buss driver. Perhaps you say hi to the police man. What was I talking about , oh yeah, cocksuckers. I can’t even find a way to link to this so I’ll get straight to the point, which is this is what I think you are.
Yeah mate. You believe what you read in the papers and watch on tv. Hmm perhaps I’ve crossed the line here. Come on COUNTER!!![/quote]
[quote=BigKovacs;2233317]Fighting, as a word can mean many things but in the context of this forum it usually means two men are trying to physically destroy each other. That shouldn’t sit well with Christian or Buddhist ideologies.
Okay I’m being grossly simplistic but personally I don’t think MA and religion mix at all.[/quote]
In the context of my mind fighting means two hot girls wrestling and trying to tear each other’s bikini off.
One last thing I say this with the conviction of a Buddhist AND a Christian, and I’m pretty sure that I can hold my own if any of you want to discuss the authenticity of these cultures.
I’ll bite: Christianity and Buddhism don’t actually exist.
You’re welcome, citizen.
Just doing my part in educating the public on the wonders of oiled naked women using Brazeelian Zhooo Zheeesu the way nature intended.