Welcome to my post about the superiority of the Baboon style. Hopefully this will live up to your expectations. I myself am a big fan of your music, Johnny so hopefully we can get along quite well.
As with all animal styles the baboon style is based on a real animal named Baboon. Often confused with Apes, they are actualy monkey of the genus Papio. They are found all over africa, with different subspecies thriving in isolated colonies. They are a very aggressive form of monkey with big red asses and colorful faces. One thing to note, is that most practicioners of this style actually have big white asses instead of red ones.
The style itself is based on quick reasoning and natural aggression to shoot and grapple the prey as quickly as possible, after which several biting techniques can be applied in the region of face or throat in order to maim the opponent.
This is a particularily brutal style and is not used in competition. Although practicioners often compete in other tournaments that consist of either grappling or striking disciplies, such as jiu jitsu, judo or even boxing, in order to advance their skills.
Many of the techniques used in Baboon style come from other traditional or modern styles such as muay thai, wushu or brasilian jiu jitsu. And cross training and adpating new techniques into the style is always recommended and even supported by the trainers.
There are no belts or ranks or levels in Baboon style. Advancement is on a personal basis which is achieved through competition in other rule sets and intense daily training that includes striking, grappling, throws, cardio and weight training.
The history of Baboon style can be traced back to its ancient roots in Africa. The ancient Egyptians adapted fighting styles from the Nubians who studied and competed with the dangerous animals in the area for dominance before civilization was advanced in the region. The art itself was transfered from Egypt to Sumer and from there to India, Greece and the rest of the world. You will find the roots of this style have the same common ancestry as all the major martial arts styles currently in existance.
Currently there are several masters of this style living in Europe, although I do not want to publicly name their names on the internet. The practice itself is kept to a close-knit community of able and willing students who follow the beleif systems and have the will to become great fighters. However, in any competitions they partake in they usualy do not refer to their true style of Baboon, because this might upset the natural order within tournaments and is usualy concidered negative. This is also refered to as “sandbagging” which is looked down upon and that is why silence is kept.
Hopefully this served to enlighten you about the Baboon style. If you have any questions I will be willing to respond to them as pleasantly as I am able to. This of course will only work if you do not ban me, like perviously threatened.
Have a nice day =)