Real Ving Tsun/ Life Altering

Has anyone hear ever tried REAL Ving Tsun? Ever Chi Saued? It’s like taking the red pill in The Matrix, it’ll Blow Your FUcking Mind!

really? how does it blow your mind?

No one cares.


It blows something, all right.

I believe the prerequisite is having a really, really tiny mind.

I tried chi sauing once… I felt dirty for weeks, and I couldn’t look my friends and family in the eye for months.

Kids, be smart: don’t start chi sauing.


Wham !

From one to two little red boxes in the click of a mouse !

I mean it. No other chunner comes close. My Ving Tsun is the original kind made for combat, it has the real constant offense flowing from any defense, which sets it apart from boxing. If you just try it, or feel a sifu or senior pupil cross hands with you, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

I’ve been in fights, i’ve been in alleys, and I know what grappling/wrestling is. I wouldn’t talk up Ving Tsun so hard if I didn’t feel it was the real deal.

Please swallow a whole bottle of red pills.

Fuck it, while you are at it, swallow a whole bottle full of blue ones.

This is the same guy who came on the TD thread, talked shit and evaporated.

Boztepe is too scenario based. You gotta try real Ving Tsun combat Kung Fu. It’s like taking the Red Pill in the Matrix! It’ll blow your fucking mind!

He should come to a TD, if he’s near me. I’m ready to take on the REAL WT/WC/BS


Fucking die plz.

Why? Is part of “true combat ving tsun” not bathing?

In an effort to get this colossally shitty thread Trollshido’d, and in honor of The Real Wing Chun and reigning Most Beautiful Woman in the History of the Fucking Universe, I humbly present the Michelle Yeoh Threadjack:

Under what rules would you test this in the ring? Would you need it to be bare knuckle?

I hope you made sure they gave you the $20 up front.