Real fight account from Masahiko Kimura

Kimura was a bad ass! He also proves, that even a world class “sport” grappling competitor will handle a self defense situation differently than a tournament.

I was standing at the end of a line of 60 or 70 people waiting for a train at the Mukae-Machi station (near Kumamoto city, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan), and was reading a paperback. Suddenly, 4 MP men passed through the line nearby me forcibly. When I turned my eyes to them, I found them shouting, “Jap, Jap” repeatedly. One of them grabbed the Japanese man at the front of the line by the collar, pulled the Japanese man toward him. He then made a ring with the pointing finger and the thumb, and struck the nose of the Japanese man with the flipped pointing finger with full force. The man covered his nose with his hands, and stooped down from the pain. The MP men did this to everyone on the line one by one including women. When someone did not stoop down, they delivered another strike. My turn was approaching. While I was wondering about what to do, my turn came. One of the MP men extended his arm trying to grab my lapel. I struck his hand with full force. Their facial expression changed suddenly. The four MP men surrounded me and took me to the middle of Nagaroku Bridge nearby the station. This was not an ordinary fight to me. I had to win this fight to defend the honor of judo. One of them suddenly threw a right straight at my face. I blocked the punch with my left arm, and kicked him in the groin with full force. He crumbled on the spot. When I turned back my head, another huge MP extended his arms and attacked me trying to grab me from behind. I then hit his right arm hard with knife hand, and then threw him into the river by Seoi-nage. The other two were watching this scene in amazement, but charged at me one by one. I delivered a head butt into the face of the third man. He was knocked out. I disposed of the last man by squeezing his balls with full force. Ever since I was in junior high, I have been called Master Groin Squeezer, and had absolute confidence in this technique.

Looks like Kimura had some of t3h d34dly techniques in his bag of tricks!


by the way, the article is long, but an interesting read.


"When I was in the 7th grade, my older brother came home crying, saying that he got bitten by dogs. The next night, I went out for revenge. I found mid-size three dogs at a storage of a geisha house that was about 50 meters away from my house. They were the enemies. I called them one by one with a whistle, and kicked it with a geta (wooden sandal) by full force. When I passed by the storage, all the 3 dogs were covered with a bandage. Through this experience, I developed boldness and confidence for fighting with humans. "

ha! nutter.

Because this thread is about the Holy One, I will forgive you for posting really old content and not using the search function.

Others may not be so forgiving. Do not be suprised if this thread gets moved/merged.


for this info On Kimura what a man he was and definetely has my respect big time. Bad ass wow!!

You’ll forgive me? Oh thank you oh great one, now I can sleep at night!

Do a search on Kimura and you come up with over 20 pages of threads. I didn’t have time to search thru them all. It’s not like this was posted 3 days ago and is still on the thread list.

Everything old is new again. maybe some noobs who don’t have the time to search every fucking thread might find it interesting.

If the mods move it, they move it. Get a life.:chewy:

^ i agree. new people pop up on the internet all the time and this may be new to them as it was to me.

wow, keep that attitude kid, it’s gonna help you a lot to navigate through the forums here.

Also, read the stickies for every forum, it might save you the hardship

I’d strongly suggest you get familiar with the following:

  1. 1. the culture in these forums and what you are expected to do
  2. 2. sarcasm
  3. 3. thick skin
  1. You are expected to search and dive through the threads. Your other option is to post the same material for the nth time and be treated accordingly. Period. Non negotiable. Get over it.

Furthermore you are expected to read the stickies and README, and you should introduce yourself in newbietown if you haven’t already. In other words, post less and lurk more.

  1. Red Sauce was being sarcastic, not quite, but sort of. Get acquainted with sarcasm pronto. You don’t have to be sarcastic toward others, but that doesn’t give you a free pass, either. You will get sarcastic coments towards you; everybody does, which leads me to the next.

  2. Develop a thick skin. Don’t take shit personally unless you really have to. See #1 and #2.

And you fucking suck… that was sarcasm btw.:new_alien

I completely agree with you on this one. However, there is also a need for the newcomers to spend time searching and diving through the threads, even if it means digging through a cave inundated by shit.

That way, they can see how this community operates, as well as maybe finding the answers to their questions. Sometimes they may only find a partial or outdated answer. From there, they can formulate new questions or opinions which add new information to the site as a whole.

There is a big difference between

“I’ve search through the sites and I’ve found X and Y, which don’t quite fit in what I’m looking for. Are X and Y still valid? Any new opinions?”


“Tehe. LOL!!! So fucking cool. Look. I found X. Does this keyboard makes me look fat?”

No praw! Christ be with you brah! :dogbountyhunterflushingyourjunk:

Yeah read El Macho’s post, and maybe bang around some more in Newbietown.

The whole idea of forums like this is so that people [I]read threads instead of just coming along and posting;

LOL!! Look what I found! Funny huh? whu? WTF u Meanz old dun be mean to me cuz i cum here an dont read the rules or old threads and repost old stuff, u know whut, you guyz can get a life![/I]

true. well put, health dude.