Got this from another forum. From my understanding this guy trains at the Roger Gracie academy in London:
and the man’s myspace profile:
Got this from another forum. From my understanding this guy trains at the Roger Gracie academy in London:
and the man’s myspace profile:
Damn hahah. Hilarious but sad. What a poor use of martial arts.
Doesn’t Slideyfoot train at that same school? Slidey, you need to drop some Gong Sau on this guy, he’s making your boys look bad.
I just messaged Roger Gracie Academy as I used to train there and I was sure I recognised him.
They confirmed to me that he did used to train there, but that following a police visit he has been banned from training there. I didn’t go that often but Slideyfoot might know him better, maybe he could comment further on his character. From what I remember he was a white belt, withdrawn and quiet but not particularly unusual.
There should be some agreement with BJJ/MMA gyms not to train rapists or paedophiles.]
There are quite a few women at RGA and it is horrifying to think that this man has been rolling with them.
GENERALLY speaking, you don’t know they are a rapist or paedophile until after the damage is done. Not a lot of people roll up and say, “Hey, I’m a child rapist and I would like to learn some BJJ to better help me subdue my victims. How much do you charge a month?”
Yeah madhorsebjj. It’s really sick but its hard to be 100% on stuff like that especially these days.
Exactly. No instructor worth the name is going to train these sorts of people, and anyone who has rapist inclinations is going to know that. The smart ones will pull a Jeckyll-and-Hyde routine, exhibiting model behaviour when at the gym, all the while being otherwise when elsewhere. It’s been known to happen, and unless the instructor’s a telepath, all he can do is read people as best he can and boot out–or call the authorities on–any student as soon as he discovers that the latter is a violator.
Well, I guess not all BJJ guys are gay after all.
I missed the part where this was hilarious.
…BJJ wins again?
Actually, I feel bad about writing that. This is pretty shitty. I hope his BJJ is strong against man rape.
As easy as it would be, I think I’ll limit myself to one gay joke per BJJ thread.
Banning him from the gym is the wrong solution. The right solution is to force him to come to the gym every day and use him for demonstrations of what happens when you really sink an armbar, kimura, or ankle lock.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. He was only a white belt but I hope (for his sake, I don’t really care if he gets ass raped) he learned some turtle guard.
If you only showed me his picture, I would know that the guy’s a bitch.
Same if you showed me his myspace, I’d know from his tastes he’s a douche.
but to think that this stupid, ugly motherfucker would go and tarnish the name of the sport by raping a woman is just…he made another life miserable.
Words can’t describe how pissed I am.
I’m going to break a boundary: what race is he? I know it doesn’t matter, but he really put down his ethnic group(in the face of the racists/closet racists), the name of the sport… and some other shit…
Did I mention he was an infantile bitch, and an ugly mothefucker?
I hate how the article portrays the rapist as a “mixed martial arts expert” and a “cage fighter.” Bias is written all over that article, it’s truly a bad work of journalism. I mean, they even use “beautiful” when describing the woman, which is a well known emotional word that journalists aren’t supposed to use.
Fighting, and being able to fight, has nothing to do with morality inherently, unlike what many mcdojoists or bullshidoka would tell you. It’s all up to the individual fighter and his personal ethics.
The sad thing is, you can’t pick these people 'till it’s too late. And combined with the above, you get this- a person who uses his abilities for all the wrong things.
I hope his Jiujitsu sucks, so he gets seriously fucked up in prison.
Wrestling would be better for rape, IMO.
News update: apparently they poured acid on the poor woman.
very disturbing.
Wrong case, man. The victim in the OP is 35.