Random girl online

Read a profile on nexopia.com today for some chick here in kelowna who digs mma. I sent her a msg cause I was curious, and she claims to be a BJJ BB! At 20, and HOT.
I didn’t buy it at first, so I start testing her, which got her really pissed off. Apparently she is out of Winnipeg, and she knows the right names, so she could potentially be legit.

Now we’re talking on msn and she is telling me about choking some chump at one of the bars here in town.

This is the biggest damn turn on I’ve had since I spent 3 hours argueing about violence and ethics on a bus to Seattle! (no joke there).

I’m gonna try and get her to come into my mma club.

You met a girl online, yay.

She’s going to be disappointed when she meets you in person.

i met a girl online. 3 hours later she was in my bed. i win.

h5’s all around doods!

You fail.

im starting to worry about you alex, if you ever come to australia i think i better tell every girl i know to stay at home incase you take advantage of their inocense. :happy7:

cheers adam

oh hells yes. invite her.

i love it when a man invites me to train with him and vice/versa.

I guess its time I let you in on the joke then huh?

If you’re really lucky, she might not have a penis:tongue5:

is it just me that has visions of a jerry springer show?..guess what im a man

Tease! You’re like married with two kids if you are actually a woman.

what? i AM flattered when a guy invites me to train with him.

forget that i’m married and shat out two little boys–they don’t even enter into this.

for me… it isn’t about hooking up and i tend to accept when a guy invites me to train.

This thread is worthless without link and pictures.

come shoot bows with me and we can get dinner and see a movie afterwards

i’ll shoot bows with you. pm me if you’re serious and you really ARE in the LA area.

Hehe funny. This might not be a bad thing, depending upon the OPs perferred technique. :love3:

Innocence? In australia?

it exists

so i have been told

i have emtional scars from some of the things aussie girls have done to me. i refuse to believe innocent women can be spawned from that hellacious desert. they are pretty fine though.