Rafael Kayanan was youtube stalking me

so i made a video about him


that’s him

That made so little sense. Why White and Nerdy when everybody there was Filipino? What’s with the black and white pictures? Why is Tuhon so fat, and what difference does it make? For the proper way to make a video about someone being annoying on the Internet, consult Omega:

i hear this omega is kinda risky, can’t you teach me how to make a better video about him

I don’t know what the situation is, but if I were youu I’d probably just cut and paste his face over the ones in this video:

Who is stalking whom?


I was directed to this forum because you posted my PERSONAL information as a title of this thread without my prior consent or knowledge. Since you bask in anonymity, you have that refuge.

You have also decided to edit and create a youtube clip that although lacks much sense - appears to be some personal attack on Sayoc and your odd obsession with some individual’s weight in the organization.

The evidence is quite clear who is acting in a harassing and “stalking” manner here.

I haven’t made any videos about you nor searched all over the web for images I can download and edit into a disparaging clip.

What I did do, and it is plain for anyone on Bullshido to seek out and read is post UNDER your troll comments concerning Sayoc on youtube… comments that you posted on EVERY Sayoc youtube clip as “rednatsyb”. If any Bullshido members doubt this - just do a search on “Sayoc” on youtube… look for oddlifter’s username - “rednatsyb”. Btw, I’m not exposing your youtube username here since you are clearly referring to it on your post.

As a longtime member of Sayoc Kali, it is logically in MY interest to comment and even respond to disparaging remarks concerning us - it is OUR clip you are commenting on. That is not “stalking” nor is it “spamming” if it is in RESPONSE to OUR content. As a high ranking Sayoc instructor, I represent Sayoc Kali so therefore I’m not following anyone… the subject is SAYOC and I am IN Sayoc.

The real question lies in what YOUR motivation is to continue trolling ALL Sayoc related youtube clips. In addition, now you have taken it a step further by creating your own Sayoc youtube clips and posting them online here?

Btw, You’ve also taken illustrations that I have created for use in my professional life and added it into your clip. That’s not even remotely addressing the Martial Arts in any manner so I don’t see why it even relates and is possibly even some forum infringement of some kind.

You’ve also sent me a taunting PM in my youtube account to check out this clip.

So Bullshido members, who is stalking whom?


Well, at least he’s comfortable with his feminine side. Strangely enough, a lot of chicks dig that.

I know, that’s just horrible. Shame on you Oddlifter. Picking on fat people is just downright cruel. Shame, shame, shame! Do you see me picking on Mikhail Ryabko of systema fame because he’s a fat tub of lard? NOOOOO. Or Attackspoof’s tubby founder, John Perkins? No way. How about the creator of the Martialist, porker phil elmore? Nah uh. You are the lowest Oddlifter, just because some Filipino weighs 400 lb and is a heart attack away from eternal rest, that is no reason to discount his ultra deadliness in hand to hand combat. Consider, how well would you fare if that Filipino hippopotamus tripped and fell on you. You’d be pretty helpless wouldn’t you, yes sir, you would be screaming, "Oh god, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry."

Suck it up and stop picking on guys that out eat you at the buffet line. Hell, they eat enough to be 3-times the man you are. Bastard.

Eric Esch dissaproves of your post.

Oh my god! It’s the Kingpin!


Sun Helmet, Odd Lifter is obviously retarded. He’ll be banned sooner rather than later.

LOL funny man

No one stated it was horrible - it’s not like an original thought was behind this one note clip, but I did say it was quite a (add “creepy”) obsession to take the time out of one’s workday to edit and scour the internet for pics of MEN you don’t know, save them on your harddrive so that you can edit a clip oh so carefully… just because they were publicly exposed as the youtube troll they truly were.

Then they post it on ANOTHER forum for some validation of their efforts.

Creepy, creepy, creepy!

If it’s not posted or referred to on bullshido, it doesn’t exist.

that’s a badass graphic…you did that sun_helmet? very good! and I loved the dad shirt. I don’t see a problem here, fat, skinny, someone can still stab you.

That vid had the suck, it didn’t really do what you tried to…

…loving father, talented artist, blade enthusiast…not really devastating material. More like a birthday-love-gram. 0.0000000000000000000000001/10 for trolling.
Watch Omega’s vid, and then stab yourself.

Thanks. I’ve worked professionally at illustration for awhile. Recent work was for CONAN published at Dark Horse (Sin City, 300).

I worked on the HUNTED as well as technical advisor, co-choreographer with Tuhon Tom Kier and fight board artist.
To balance this thread out, since there’s a creepy clip involving my name by odd, I’ll post this link to a clip I did that shows how the director utilized my drawings (around 80 images) to set up shots for the fight scenes.


You worked on the movie The Hunted?

All time favorite movie, awesome.

Welcome to bullshido. You have encountered two of our resident trolls.

Don’t indict the whole forum on these guys.

Looks like Oddlifter got himself banned so it’s down to one.
Thanks for the heads up.

We got involved due to our work with the military, so we had to adjust to the Hollywood expectations of what knife work is supposed to look like on film.

For the non-Hollywood stuff - here’s some footage of Sayoc stick sparring:


that’s what I’m talking about, looks fun. Why is dude on your nuts?

EDIT: ah…odd lifter got himself banned, I thought I couldn’t really smell shit in the air any more. good riddance.