Raciiiiiist hate and anti gay crap on this forum..

So bad that it’s soo good… oh yeah, oh yeah baby, ooooh ooooh ooooh…

… What? What are you looking at?

What can I say??

Your gyrating hips are hipnotic.


How about some gay Asian ?

Excuse me, I need to be alone for a moment

wap wap wap Wackity Wack Wack

Wait don’t go!
YouTube - Sexual Healing

Before I read this thread, Tank Abbott’s hairy, pendulous man-boobs were the only thing in life that gave me wood. Thanks, OP!

Way to not read the entire thread, douche.

BTW, I’m not homophobic or anything. I have a gay friend.

You’ve got a gay friend? I’ll raise you my self-loathing latino friend, then procede to segue into a litany of disgustingly racist remarks. But it’s all good, because I’ve got a latino friend. That’s usually how it works, innit?


well i was referencing an old antimma.com quote. but yah, that’s usually how the logic works.

I’ll call you, and raise you an asian girl who only loves white guys cuz asian guys remind her of her dad. In fact I’ll raise you my entire damn city cuz every damn asian girl here thinks the same damn way. But it’s ok, I’m half-asian…and half-white. ugh

nigga what

No. My brother isn’t here. He doesn’t use runon sentences, have sex in parks, or claim to be able to kick people’s asses.

I’m just the violent side of the zygote is all it is.

Plus he’d most likely post in Spanish, then be evasive and switch to some other language when people started translating.

(Posit: He speaks Arabic too. HAY HEEZ A L QAY DA GUYZ)

It was a joke in referance to your old username (Angry_spastic). Because, like, he’s gay- right?- and because you’re twins and…

Angry_Gay… Anyone? taps microphone Is this on?

Ah, you get it.

I wasn’t actually insinuating that your brother is truly that stupid. Though i wouldn’t know. I dont go to the park often…

So that is just you then.

I think Johnny’s posts smack of sexual repression. I get it; you’d like a gangbang with you being done up the dirtbox.

But there’s a catch and it’s worse than any hook they have in wrasslin’:

He has higher standards than somebody like you.

If you came near him I’d have to get the Victorian police to shoot you (and they shoot ANYTHING.)

Thought you lived in QLD?

He lives in Melbourne.

He lives in Melbourne

Oh, i see.

Double post!


I really should hook Johnny up, except Phrost already has Johnny’s picture in the “Support Forum”

Bet he moved to get away from you.