I am a morning person and a night owl. Burning the candle at both ends.
The summary of that article contains a false dichotomy.
Morning is always 0000-1200.
But night is dusk til dawn, always starting and ending at different times every day depending on where you are. Apples and oranges, really.
I’ve got a circadian period of 36 hours, with mild OSA, so I’m some kind of mutant.
Morning people are alien creatures. I am an early riser but I’m never a morning person.
I can’t sleep 8 hours straight, have not for a long time (a decade? more?).
Wish I could…
Me neither, but according to the research the “straight” part isn’t necessary, only the amount of sleep debt you accrue daily. Right now my sleep is still multiphasic (4 hours in the early morning, followed by 2-3 120m cycles of sleep/wake), but I’m accruing very little sleep debt (close to 0 based on how I feel).
The important thing to remember about sleep debt is that you can’t make it up beyond whatever your circadian period is…for most people that means sleep lost after 24 hours is lost forever.
This is why a daily powernap <30m in duration (prior to entering later NREM phases) is a powerful pick-me-up, you are essentially giving yourself back a little restorative sleep you might have missed that morning, as long as you avoid entering the dreaded “sleep inertia” state by napping longer than 45m or so but before entering REM. For most people, that means avoiding an hour long nap, and either going for short (30m) or long (120m) naps, but not in between.
Right now the biggest thing making a difference in my overall health, including sleep, is improved hydration. Who knew I was supposed to be drinking at least 130 oz. of water per day? Apparently not I.
That’s one of the many reasons I smoke pot. Longer deep sleep cycles, less REM, much higher quality sleep. I accidentally mickeyed myself over the weekend. The ex put a spoon of hot sugar (1 gram of cannabis oil mixed in; a fuckton as an edible dose) in a quart of milk in the fridge and I put some in my coffee without realizing it. I got sent straight to Deep Space 9. I was so high I started to wonder what I smoked without realizing I hadn’t smoked anything at all. On 3 cups of coffee I must have had 7 naps this Sunday and then slept 10 hours that night. Woke up sober at 3 AM and went straight to work.
I don’t recommend that much of a dose to the uninitiated though some stores think nothing of giving some shit like that to a newbie. A standard newbie dose is 10mg and thats still a lot.
I know you probably don’t roll that way being ex law enforcement or maybe current. I have no idea what you do for a living but if you ever retire and want a good long night’s sleep, there are worse ways to spend a Sunday.
I agree.
Firefox Pocket actually pushes some really cool articles in my direction. Useful AI at work.
This one is really topical considering the sea change that just occurred in the employment sphere…my brother just got a job in AZ, working from home in PA. Crazy world.
Yeah, well, I wake up due to joint pain or a full bladder. Then I’m awake and able to worry about shit, LOL. I’ve been listening to natural rain/thunder/surf sounds withheadphones, which helps quite a bit.
Hydration is indeed a big deal. I was really dehydrated for quite some time. Bad juju. Working on it.
Retirement and maybe move to a different state…
How does the legal CBD stuff work?
A little yes but mostly no. It helps if you have epilepsy.
In my opinion: the active ingredient is still THC, just so little of it that it’s barely noticeable and won’t show in a urinalysis.
All the stores asked for high CBD strains when the legal recreational pot industry was new. Then they didn’t buy a GD thing and everyone who grew it lost their shirt.
I had a primo strain that would produce 3 times the amount of CBD as any other strain’s total THC. It was so stupidly rich. Still, nobody bought a fucking thing because it only had 1% THC.
I learned my lesson instantly. For the most part, CBD will only have a noticeable effect if you know chemistry well enough to make THC delta-9 from it.