Ninjers! Oh noes!

Living proof that ninjas are out there, they’re fighting for good, and they’re for hire…at discount prices!

has anyone been able to make that video work?

has anyone been able to make that video work?

I am coming to you, as Krishna, to tell you, my friend Arjuna, to post video threads in the FUCKING VIDEO FORUM.

hang on, a got it working, my computers jswut doing something really slow… and i somehow managed to double post.

Thats a fantastic vid, I really enjoy stupidity in others

I didn’t see a video forum (and still don’t, if you could point it out to me), but I did see the YMAS forum as being declared a place for MS comedy. My bad.

And for those not seeing the video, it’s from Owen Benjamin on myspace called Discount Ninjas.

That would be the big link at the top of the forum that reads “Videos”.