Question from a noob.

Taking the piss? But I just places an online order for Phil Elmore’s entire back catalogue! Anyway, another nOOb question. Is it true that stricking to the crown, back of the head and neck is illegal in MMA and UFC tournament fights?

If you throw in the obligatory roar of “CHAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGE!!!” while straight legged and bending only at the waist you will get a pretty good picture of my shot…although I never claimed to be “skilled”.


Oh Oh I got a question too: Isn’t this supposed to go in newbi town?

Well no tournament fighting for me then. And as for the Hornet, I’ll settle for saying that it’s far to dangerous for me to use my full capabilities, and that when confronted by a skilled grappler I’ll have to run away for their own safety.


I can’t tell if your serious, stupid, or trolling. I doubt your trolling, so your probably just uninformed/young/stupid. A trained grappler will take you to the ground, unless you train how to stop him. Elbows to the spine, Dim Mak, knees… these will not save you. You need to learn to Sprawl, do a few searches online, you should then have a better idea. Oh, and retreat to Newbietown, it’s not safe for you here.

BULL-SHIT, you just committed the Bullshido Original Sin™ #1: Thou shalt not make ridiculous claims of martial prowess. this is of course preempted my Bullshido Law™ #1 Thou shalt provide video evidence for all claims, else STFU! lacking that, BULL-SHIT

He didn’t say who it was dangerous for; perhaps he knows that his fighting (at full capacity or otherwise) is potentially suicidal.

Anyone who doesn’t want to answer nOOb questions about UFC has been warned by the title. I was joking about the “far too dangerous” capabilities. Not about the running away tho.

Madge - You do tiger crane combination, which means im pretty sure you do it with namyang. Which means you have san da classes (or the oppertunity of training in them), try do the knee next time someone goes in for a dump. Not the same as a shoot but it will give you an idea. If you are not taking the san da classes, do! post hate!.

Thanks bro I think Ill take you up on that. I’m down at the Egham branch so its hard to get to Epsom but I’ll sort it out soon.

What a time for a computer stack. L8r

Ah I didnt realise they didnt do san da in Egham. Ive trained at the epsom branch and they have some of the best san da fighters in england, with some semi contact world champs as well. Ian armstrong is a very good instructer, quite a nice place as well. They will work you hard with lots of sparring.

I know I should troll him like the rest, but I feel bad. I don’t think he meant to come off retarded. He might be young and uninformed. I think there are better people to troll and better to try to help those who want to learn.

I somehow have managed to survive untrolled.

Knee will work if you are expecting a takedown…or set a guy up for it. Also many MMA guys fight MT style so are more vulnerable for takedown.

Also many MMA guys fight MT style so are more vulnerable for takedown.

More vulnerable than who?

i cant tell whos trolling who

Only really started this thread to find out the rules of MMA/UFC tournament fighting. Also cos I was warned about noob trolling but you guys are quite nice really.

Interestingly if you were to knock him out with a kick while he was shooting and his knees where on the ground you might even be disqualified. I tell the story of Anderson Silva vs Yushin Okami, anderson was on his back and Okami was getting all in his face. So being the freaky bastard he is Anderson pulls his foot over Okami and then flicks it back into Okami’s face!. Knockout. Anderson gets disqualified for kicking him in the head while being on the ground.

Best disqualification ever.

Fair play. What makes that illegal? Too dangerous?