Question from a noob.

Why, in ring fights when they go for a tackle, does nobody get knee’d in the face?

This thread… is like watching a baby playing on the train tracks and being unable to pull him off the tracks before the 500,000lb freight train going 70 miles an hour turns him into jelly… oh well. ducks and hides

LOL. Still haven’t an answer. Or a clue apparently.

newbietown –> YMAS —> Trollshido, plz.

If you really want an answer, the easiest way to obtain it would be to find someone who wrestles competitively, ask him to shoot in for a double leg, and try to knee him in the face as he’s doing so.

They’re not going for a tackle (head-shoulder first from afar with a running start) but a takedown (leading with hips, starting in fairly close). Kneeing someone that close to you in that position likely won’t stop them but will put you on one pin, making it easy to put you on your back.

Also n00b lol fag TMA LARPer lol fag balloonfuck ur teh assrape etc.

Put another way. Why do you assume a knee will work? At the same time, do you think no one has ever thought to knee someone coming in for a takedown?

If you look at shitty takedown techniques in the ufc, usually they are met with knees. But me going for a takedown and rashad evans or koscheck going for a takedown are very different things.

People do get kneed in the face sometimes. However looking at a sampling of MMA matches wherein one fighter attempts the knee in the face counter to a single or double leg versus how often said fighter actually succeeds, one is forced to conclude that the knee in the face is not a high percentage technique.

I can think of two reasons why:

  1. The face is a small target area that’s hard enough to hit with a limb as dextrous as an arm. Since most people’s knees/legs have much less fine motor control than their arms, the target is much harder to strike.

  2. Most skilled grapplers set up their leg shots with some type of kuzushi or distraction. It’s hard to knee someone in the face while you’re covering up from the punches used to set up the leg shoot, or being off-balance from an attempted throw. Contrary to popular opinion, skilled grapplers don’t shoot from six (or even four) feet away with their hands down by their sides and their chins jutting outwards.

The main reason you don’t see it is, it is not a high percentage move. In other words it doesn’t work most of the time and actually puts you in a worse position than just standing there.
BTW, Welcome to Bullshido

Could someone then recommend a better defence for someone who would prefer not to take it to the ground?


Naaah man that’s too complex, try biu jee to the eye and then elbow to the spine…

I will definitely give that a try. Seriously.

Of course you will, it is the best option after all.

that and dim mak.

No way dude, I wouldn’t wanna kill them.

It’s ok. A real warrior is prepared to kill just as he is prepared to die. Dim Mak the motherfuckers at will.

God dammit Madgrenade! Life is a fight! Go read more about Phil Elmore. Not from this site tho… they don’t know anything about the streets here.

Malgrenadge, you do realize they are takin’ the piss don’t ya?

Dim mak is a bad suggestion because it’s no fun when your opponent dies WEEKS later of previously undiagnosed heart spasms.

Cyrijl you a such a lulz killer.
Madgrenade post a video of you fighting one of those silly grappler and show us how it’s really done. Go for it bro.