Heres the story. I was riding the train on friday going to a friends house. It’s about 3:30 so all the school’s have been let out by now. Theres a group of about 6 kids. There loud and noisey but their like 14’ish (I’m guessing they were 8th graders, possibly HS freshmen) so I don’t give a shit. Two of them were on scooters (yeah, scooters, I didn’t even know those still exsisted) and being stupid and falling around the train while riding (kinda funny). One of the kids on a scooter bumps into a woman and she shoves him a little bit to the side and tells him to watch it. Then this little shit starts cursing her out. Not regular “Whatever screw you” obnoxious thing that kids with no manners do but the full force “Fuck you bitch, shut your fucking mouth” kind of shit. He looked no older then 14. Then his two friends pop up behind and threaten the woman.
They actually said they’d beat the shit out of her if she didn’t hut her mouth. Heres the funny part. The kids were threatening this woman and as soon as the two stepped for their stop the kid on a scooter just backed away and said nothing until he reached the side where his 3 other friends were. Now I feel like a punk for not doing anything but I had a $400 digital camera in my bag that was placed on the front bottom pocket of my book bag. Very easy to break with just a little bit of force (I had no more space to put it anywhere else) but still, I feel like a moron for not doing anything.
Heres my question: What would you have done?
Btw, I’m 17 so I don’t think it’d be too illegal for me to knock the shit out of one of the little bastard.
As there was no violence involved i think you did the right thing by not getting involved, even if there was violence against this woman, you were out-numbered by kids not much smaller than you. Possibly going for help might have been the wiser option if not the most satisfying.
At 220 pounds, six foot 2" and with a lot of fighting experience I would have kept an eye on the things and taken appropriate action, but these days you never know who has a gun of knife.
No confrontation can be taken lightly these days.
Willing to bet good money this was the Staten Island train.
Whatever, if they were just yelling some nonsense you could have gone either way with it. I agree with Chris in the sense that as long as they weren’t actually doing anything you could have just kept alert. Saying anything to them probably wouldn’t even end in violence, they’d just start yelling at you for a while. Unless you were planning some dumb-ass 14-year olds, don’t be too hard on yourself.
if it was just name calling and verbal stuff, i would have kept my eye on them, but if they actully hit her or something like that i would have gone apeshit on them.
If kids where you are living are anything like the chavs here in the UK, just giving the ring leader or instigator a bloody good kicking will almost always result in the rest of them running away; albeit yelling insults at you, but still running away nonetheless.
Nah this was one on a Brooklyn train. Specifically the Q train from Ave. M to Sheepshead Bay. And I couldn’t have told the cops shit because if I were to tell them, all the cops are on street floor of the train station, not the carts or platform, the train would have been gone. And I don’t think taking pictures/video would be very umm… whats the word… unnoticeable? The more I keep thinking about it the more it keeps pissing me off. I think from now on I’m not brining any expensive and nice stuff with me through the trains. It sucks that I didn’t have a friend with me that I could have let hold my stuff, then he could’ve just walked into the next cart and even if I got my ass kicked I wouldn’t feel like such a pussy.
when i was 21. i dropped 3 HS seniors(2 hispanic kids and 1 whiteboy) for standing in front of my car in the mall parking lot. then sitting on it and kicking a dent into my front bumper while laughing and talking shit when i told them to move. (High school is located close to this mall)
I got out of the car. Threw the first one with a hip throw. Second one tried to box me. I put him on his ass with a thai kick. Third one sucker punched me after I kicked that other guy. I clinched him and kneed him until he was on the ground.
then I drove away.
Punk ass kids should learn early to take responsibility for their actions.
//Replacing my bumper is more trouble than its worth.
///What is wrong with kids these days. christ.
This stuff used to happen on the MUNI all the time on weekdays between 2:30 and 4:00 (when school let out).
I would always stand up and call out,
“ma’am, would you like this seat here.”
and gensture to the open seat next to me.
It always took care of the problem.
You might of been encountering “diffusal of responsibility”, where everything thinks everyone else will sort it out. I forget the name of the study but they interviewed a bunch of people living by an alleyway where some woman got raped, quite loudly. No one did anything or even phoned the cops because they all assumed someone else would.